The Prince and the Wolf (Haylijah, Fairytale AU)

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 Hayley always knew she was different, because she had what everyone called 'the curse'.

 Hayley came from a line of werewolves. Not every family was affected by it, but she had it. Her parents, not having the curse, did not know what to do with her. Her parents sent her away for a while, to stay with a royal family in a neighboring kingdom. Hayley was still young at the time, and didn't understand why she was being sent away. But her mother assured her it wasn't forever.

 She was sent to stay with an old friend of her mother's, who had become a queen in a neighboring kingdom. She and her husband had several children, Hayley learned: Two daughters and four sons, with another child soon to be born.

 Upon her arrival, she was greeted by one of the children, a boy her own age.

 "Are you one of the princes?" she asked. 

 The boy nodded. "Prince Elijah. Mother said you were coming today. You're Hayley, aren't you? Mother said your father is a lord in a nearby kingdom, and she and your mother are friends."

 "That's what my mother said," said Hayley. "If both our mothers said it, then it must be true. I don't know how long I'll be staying, though."
 "That's all right. I don't Mother and Father will mind. They're usually busy with important business things, anyway. How about I show you around the castle? It looks a bit small on the outside, but it isn't really."

 Hayley and Elijah quickly became friends that day. She became acquainted with the other children as well, but Elijah was her favorite. They spent days exploring the castle and its grounds, oblivious to everyone else around them. When Hayley did finally have the courage to tell Elijah the truth of the wolf curse, he didn't even care.

 "You're still Hayley," he said, "Whether you can turn into a wolf or not, and you're still my friend."

 Hayley lived there for two years, almost completely like another member of the family. But eventually, her parents wanted her to come home, and she and Elijah had to say goodbye.

 "I promise I'll write all the time," she said.

 "I will, too," Elijah promised. "And we'll have to see each other again someday."


 Some years went by. Hayley and Elijah wrote as often as they could, and had several short visits, either Hayley visiting the castle or Elijah sometimes visiting Hayley. Elijah's siblings had joked about them being in love, and Hayley knew her parents certainly would have approved of her marrying a prince; they had seemed to think that because of her curse no man would want her.

 One day, when she and Elijah were all grown up, she received a letter from Elijah's brother Klaus, the brother whom it seemed Elijah was closest with. It was very hurriedly written, and Hayley had some trouble reading it.

 Dear Hayley,

 Something has happened to Elijah. An old enemy returned to the kingdom and, out of spite, put a sleeping curse on my brother. That enemy has been defeated, but no one knows how to wake Elijah. We have tried anything we could think of, but nothing has worked.
 I have heard old stories about sleeping people who were awoken with a kiss of true love. I think that if that were true, you should be the one to do it. I have seen the way you two are together. You are in love and you both know it. Please come as soon as you can, for I do not think my parents can be consoled until we have found a way to wake Elijah.


Hayley put the letter down. Klaus was right: she had fallen in love with Elijah. All those days spent together had made her fall in love. And if Elijah was in love with her as well, then the kiss of true love would certainly work. 

 Without any explanation, she called to her mother, "I must go to see Elijah! It's important!", and went on her way.


 The castle certainly seemed gloomier, Hayley thought as she approached.

 Klaus had been pacing outside the castle, and Hayley saw the look of relief on his face when he saw her.

 "He's in his room," he said. "I convinced everyone to get out of the room for some time, to give him space. Follow me."

 Together they ran into the castle and up to Elijah's room.

 "Are you going in with me?" Hayley asked.

 Klaus shook his head. "I think this is something you should do alone."

 So Hayley entered the room by herself. Elijah was laid out on his bed, eyes closed. If she hadn't known the truth, she would have thought he was merely sleeping peacefully.

 "I love you, Elijah," she whispered. "I have for a long time."

 She kissed him softly on the lips, praying it would work.

 And it did. Elijah opened his eyes and looked at her. "Hayley. You broke the curse." He slowly sat up. "I could hear everything happening around me, even though I was asleep. I knew Klaus would think of the old stories we used to hear about true love's kiss, but I didn't know if it would even work. But it did, because he you broke it." He reached over and hugged her. "I love you, Hayley."

 Hayley hugged him back. "I love you, too, Elijah. Much more than I thought I did."

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