Esther Mikaelson #2

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 You know you have a crush on Esther. Even though she is your friend's mother, you haven't been able to get her out of your mind. You have seen her a few more times since the day Finn introduced you, and every time you were struck by her beauty. Her husband isn't in the picture, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else, so you attempt to work up the courage to ask her out. 

 When you get to the Mikaelson house, you knock on the door, hoping that none of Finn's supposedly insane siblings answer the door. Luckily, your prayers are answered and Esther opens the front door herself.

 "Hello, Y/N," she says and gives you a smile. "Are you here to see Finn?"

 "Um, no," you answer. "I'm here to see you, actually."

 "Oh. What about?"

 You feel yourself starting to get nervous as you try to ask her. "Um, would to, um...go out? On a date? With me?"

 "A date?" she repeats. "What would we do?"

 "Well, we could go out for dinner or lunch, or go to the movie theater. Or we could even just go for a walk in the park. So, what do you say?" 

 There is a moment's pause before Esther smiles again and says, "Yes. I like that idea."

 "Really?" you say excitedly. "I mean, that's great. Uh, I'll come over tomorrow afternoon. See you then."

 You go home with a happy feeling inside you. When you do arrive home, your phone starts ringing, and you see it's Finn. When you answer, he asks you, "Did you ask my mother on a date?"

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