The History Lesson

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 Hope Mikaelson always thought her father would be a good person to ask any history questions. He was a thousand years old, and had lived through history. Surely he would know anything she wanted to know.

 She asked him one day, "Dad, you must know a lot of history stuff, right?"

 Klaus sat up straighter and answered, "Of course I do. I know plenty of things about history."

 "That's great. I've been learning a lot of American history in school, like the Revolution. What was that like?"

 "Ah. The Revolutionary War. was a Revolution. And, um...well, you see, I can't really tell you much about that, since here in New Orleans, we were still a part of France."

 "So, you must know about the Louisiana Purchase," Hope said.

 "The what?"

 "The Louisiana Purchase," she repeated. "When the President bought the Louisiana Territory form France."

 "Yes, that," Klaus said quickly. "Of course I know what it is. It's not like that's something I wouldn't pay in attention, too, given that it happened in...well, I don't remember exactly when it happened, but it was a very important occurrence for the country. And then those men went exploring the territory in 1805."

 "Lewis and Clark went on their expedition in 1803," Hope corrected him.

 "Yes, of course I knew that," Klaus said with a chuckle. "I was just testing you."

 Hope narrowed her eyes at him. "Right. I've been learning about the Civil War in school. What was that like?"

 "The Civil War," Klaus repeated. " was a war. The Northern and Southern states were fighting with each other over...well, things. And, um, Abraham Lincoln made an important speech after that battle in Gettysburg..." 

 "Dad, you do know what you're talking about, don't you?"

 "Yes, of course I know what I'm talking about," he snapped. "I don't remember a lot of these things. It was over a hundred years ago. And it was a silly human trifle, anyway, things worth me being concerned about."

 Hope thought about that for a moment. "Dad?"


 "You're not a very good person to ask about human history, are you?"

 Klaus sighed. "No. I don't believe I am."


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