Saying Farewell (Sort of Elejah)

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 Elena Gilbert and her friends had finally graduated from Mystic Falls High School. She was on her way to celebrate when she heard a voice call her name.
 Elena turned around to see Elijah Mikaelson walking towards her. "Elijah. What are you doing here? I mean, no one's seen you around here in ages."
 "I know. I am actually moving away from Mystic Falls for good. Niklaus and I both are. He's going to New Orleans, and I'm going with him."
 "New Orleans?" Elena repeated. "Why there?"
 "It's a long story. We have history there."
 "Then why are you here if you should be helping Klaus with whatever?"
 "Well, I...I just felt a need to come say goodbye."
 "You mean say goodbye to me?" Elena asked.
 "Yes, I suppose so. I always did like you a bit. Um, did you ever happen to choose between either of the Salvatore brothers?"
 "Yeah, I did. I'm with Damon now."
 "Oh." Elijah didn't seem sure how to respond. "Well, I'm sure you'll be very happy. I suppose I should be going, anyway." He leaned over and gave Elena a soft kiss on the cheek. "Farewell, Elena. If you ever need anything, you can come to me, you know."
 Elena watched as he walked away. For some reason, she wanted to call to him, just keep him there a little bit longer.
 "Elijah!" she called.
 He turned around. "Yes?"
 "Can I have your phone number, in case of an emergency?"
 "Oh. Yes, of course. I should have thought of that."
 Once she had him saved under her contacts, she gave him a kiss on the cheek in return and said, "You're not that bad, you know. Now, go. Save Klaus from whatever he's gotten himself into."
 "I'm afraid that will be easier said than done."
 They both went their separate ways, Elena to celebrate and Elijah towards trouble.

How is DELENA canon, yet Elejah isn't? I don't get it.

I also have news to share: The CW has just given early renewals to all four of their superhero shows, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin, and Supernatural. TVD and some show called Reign have already been cancelled, and everything else is 'undecided'.

 I swear, if The CW ends The Originals this season, I will deliberately point the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson in their direction. They deserve at least one more season!

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