Katherine Pierce #6

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 You know there's a guest in the house, but you haven't met her yet. From what your father said, it's a young orphan from Atlanta. You don't know anything else about her, and that makes you all the more curious.

 Your first glimpse of her is when you happen to look out the window and see a young woman out on the grounds with your brothers, Stefan and Damon. She has a mass of dark curls, but you can't get a good look at her face from the window. So, you decide to go out there yourself.
 "Here you are," Stefan says as you approach. "I was wondering where you were. Ms. Pierce, this is Y/N, our brother/sister. Y/N, this is Ms. Pierce, our guest."

 You nod. "Happy to meet you, Ms. Pierce."

 "Same to you," she says.

 She's much more beautiful, you realize, up close than from a distant window. However she had been described to you, it would not have been the same as seeing her in person.

 Damon then steps up and asks, "Ms. Pierce, would you care to take a walk around the grounds with me? Perhaps I can point out something you haven't yet seen." 

 She smiles at him. "I would be happy to. I will see you both at supper," she says to you and Stefan before walking away.

 You look over at Stefan to see him watching her go with a strange look in his eyes, as if he's restraining himself from running after her.

 "Do you fancy her?" you ask him.

 He looks over at you, as if suddenly coming out of a trance. "What?"

 "I asked if you fancy her."

 "No," he says quickly. "No, of course not. I mean, she is a lovely woman, of course. But I-no." 

 He thinks you don't know any better than that, you realize, smiling inwardly.


 After supper that night, you happen to see Ms. Pierce in the hallway as you're walking to your room.

 "Hello again, Mr./Ms. Salvatore," she says. "It's nice to see you again."

 "You as well, Ms. Pierce," you say. "But I expect you'll be wanting to get some sleep."

 "I suppose I shall," she says. "Goodnight, Mr./Ms. Salvatore. I really was happy to meet you today."

 "And I was happy to meet you," you reply. "Goodnight, Ms. Pierce." 

 You glance back at her as she continues down the hall towards her room. You think perhaps you can see what it is about her that has your brothers so entranced. She is rather enchanting.

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