Cinderline (Team Vampire Barbie, Fairytale AU)

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 This is based on the version of Cinderella the Brothers Grimm originally published, not the Disney version.  

 Cinderline rose with the dawn, and got up to prepare breakfast for her stepmother and stepsisters. Ever since her father had died, the kitchen was where she spent most of her days. Her stepsisters, twins named Katherine and Elena, had begun calling her Cinderline after she'd gotten covered in cinders while cleaning out the fireplace. That had been her name ever since, for so long that she'd nearly forgotten her own name.
 But that day was different. That morning, Cinderline answered the door to find a messenger from the royal castle on their doorstep, bearing an invitation. The royal family were hosting a three-night festival at the castle, and Cinderline's stepsisters had been invited.
 "Might I go, too?" Cinderline asked timidly.
 "You?" Katherine, shocked to hear of such a thing. "If anyone knew you were our sister, it would only bring us shame. You place is in the kitchen. Sort that bowl of lentils before we return." 
 When they left that evening, Cinderline poured out the bowl of lentils into a large pile so she could sort the bad ones from the good ones. As she was beginning, she heard a voice ask, "Do you want us to help, Cinderline?"
 Two of her pigeon friends sat on the window ledge, looking at her questioningly.
 "Yes, please," Cinderline said.
 The pigeons swooped in and ate the bad lentils, leaving the good ones to put back in the bowl.
 Before they left, one of the pigeons said, "Cinderline, if you wish to see the ball, you can climb to the top of the pigeon coop and see the castle from there."
 So now that her work was done, Cinderline climbed the ladder and looked towards the castle in the near-distance. She could see the lights, and thought the ballroom must be beautiful. But it made her sad, because she knew she couldn't go. So she climbed back down and went inside to go to bed. 

 The next night, she was given a sack of peas to sort through while her stepmother and stepsister went to the castle again. The pigeons returned and asked, "Cinderline, would you like us to sort the peas?"
 "Yes, please." 
 Quickly, the pigeons sorted the good peas from the bad. When they had finished, one of the pigeons asked, "Would you like to go to the ball, dear Cinderline?"
 "Oh, yes. But how can I? I have nothing I could wear to a ball."
 "Go the tree your mother told you to plant on her grave. Shake it and wish for new clothes. But remember that you must return before midnight."
 So Cinderline ran out to the tree, and carefully shook it.
 "Please, tree," she said, "Give me a beautiful dress I could wear to the ball."
 And before her appeared a sparkling white gown with silver stockings and shoes. Once she washed up and dressed in her new clothes, she was sure she wouldn't be recognized.
 Outside had appeared a white carriage drawn by the six black horses, along with a footman and driver dressed in blue and silver. 
 When she arrived, everyone wondered who this newcomer was; no one had ever seen her before. Cinderline could feel several pairs of eyes on her, and it made her uncomfortable. But she did let herself lock eyes with a grandly-dressed blonde girl, whom she guessed to be one of the princesses.
 "Hello, there." 
 She turned to see a handsome blond man smiling at her. He bore a resemblance to the girl who had just smiled at her.
 "I don't think I've ever seen you before," he said, studying her face.
 "I have never been here before," she said.
 "Klaus, are you interrogating the poor girl?"
 The young blonde lady appeared next to the man.
 "Merely curious," he said with a charming smile. "I think I will see where Elijah's gotten himself to." He winked at Cinderline before he left.
 "Do not mind him," the girl said to Cinderline. "He thinks he's charming, but he isn't, really. I am Princess Rebekah. It is true that I have never seen you here before."
 "This is my first time here," Cinderline said timidly.
 "In that case," the princess held out her hand, "Would you like to dance with me?"
 Cinderline smiled and took her hand. "I would."
 Cinderline spent the rest of the night dancing with Princess Rebekah. She had a tough exterior, but was kind-hearted when you got to know her better. Cinderline did not even notice the time until the clock struck midnight.
 "I must go!" Cinderline cried, and ran out of the ballroom, down the front steps of the castle, and to her carriage.
 "Wait!" The princess ran after her. "I don't know your name!"
 But the carriage had already sped off, the mystery woman tucked away inside.

 The next day Cinderline listened to her stepsisters talk about the ball the night before.
 "No one knew who she was," Elena said. "But whoever she was, she certainly caught the attention of the Princess Rebekah. The princess kept her by her side the entire night."
 "She must have been lovely if the princess was so taken with her," Cinderline said, remembering Rebekah's smile.
 "At least she didn't take up any attention from the princes," said Katherine. "Princess Rebekah can have her."
 That night Cinderline was given another sack of peas to sort through. After her stepmother and stepsisters were gone, the pigeons returned once again and asked, "Cinderline, would you like us to sort through the peas?"
 "Yes, please."
 And the pigeons soon had the job done. Before they left, one of the pigeons asked, "Cinderline, would like to return to the ball?"
 "Yes, I would." The thought of dancing with Princess Rebekah again gave her a giddy feeling. 
 "Go back to the tree on your mother's grave, and wish for more beautiful clothes."
 Cinderline ran outside to the tree, shook it gently, and said, "Please tree, give me more beautiful clothes so I can see the princess again."
 Before her appeared a golden gown more beautiful than he white one she'd received the night before, along with gold stockings and shoes. She knew she definitely wouldn't be recognized in these clothes.
 The same carriage waited for Cinderline when she was ready, and off she went.
 When she arrived, she could feel eyes on her once again.
 "Hello, my mystery woman."
 Standing before her was Princess Rebekah smiling at her.
 "Princess Rebekah." Cinderline curtsied. "I am happy to see you again."
 "And I you." Rebekah offered her hand. "Will you dance with me again?"
 "Of course." Cinderline let the princess lead her into a dance.
 After a few dances, the princess led Cinderline outside to the gardens.
 "Where are you from?" Rebekah asked. "Is it anywhere far away?"
 "Oh, no. My home is actually rather close by."
 "Is it? But you don't look familiar. Tell me, what is your name?"
 "I-I am called Cinderline by my stepmother and stepsisters."
 "Cinderline? That's a rather odd name. Is that your real name?"
 Cinderline was about to answer when she heard the clock inside strike midnight. "Oh, no. I must go!" She turned and fled. As she ran down the steps of the castle, she stumbled and lost one of her shoes, but did not realize it was gone until she was in the carriage, on her way home.
 Princess Rebekah had run after her, and stopped to pick up the lost shoe. Perhaps it could help her find her mystery Cinderline.

 The next morning, word had spread to Cinderline's home that Princess Rebekah was travelling through the kingdom, looking for the mystery woman who had lost her shoe. Cinderline was banished to the kitchen when the princess arrived. She listened by the door as she arrived, accompanied by two of her brothers, the Princes Elijah and Henrik. Katherine and Elena were both given the shoe to try on, but it fit neither of them.
 "Are there any other young ladies in this house?" Cinderline heard the princess ask.
 "There's only Cinderline in the kitchen," Elena said. "But she isn't important."
 "Did you say Cinderline?" the princess asked. "Where is she?"
 "Here, Your Highness." Cinderline came up from the kitchen, washing her hands and face before she did.
 Rebekah's eyes widened. "It's you. But to be certain," she held up the lost shoe, "May I?"
 Cinderline lifted her skirt so that the princess could fit the shoe on her foot. It fit perfectly.
 "It's clear how you have been treated here," Rebekah said. "Come with me, Cinderline."
 "To the castle?"
 "Yes, as my guest. My parents are good people. They will let you stay."
 So Cinderline agreed. "But wait. Let me tell you my real name first. My mother named me Caroline."
 "Very well, Caroline. Come with me."
 Caroline had nothing to pack, so she climbed into the carriage with the princess and her brothers and left that life behind.

Several weeks later

 Princess Rebekah was in love with Caroline and had no idea what to do about it.
 Caroline was absolutely wonderful. She was very nervous when she first came to the castle, but she soon made friends with all of Rebekah's siblings. Every room seemed to brighten once she entered it. But Rebekah had so far kept her feelings hidden, afraid Caroline may not feel the same way.
 One evening, her brother Elijah came to her room. She loved all of her brothers, but she'd secretly made Elijah her favorite, and liked talking to him the best.
 "I wanted to talk to you about Caroline," he said. "I've seen the way you look at her, Rebekah. Why haven't you told her?"
 Rebekah sighed. Of course Elijah would figure it out.
 "I am in love with her," Rebekah said. "But I don't know if feels that way about me."
 "Oh, Rebekah. The way you were looking at each other while dancing at the ball was infatuation. The way you look at each other now is love. You should tell her."
 "Fine. I'll tell her. You better be right about this, Elijah."

 The next morning, Rebekah found Caroline in the gardens, walking among the flowers. When Caroline saw her, she said, "Good morning, Princess. The flowers are lovely, aren't they?"
 Rebekah wasn't sure how to start. That smile dazzled her, and she was at a loss for words. She stepped up to Caroline and kissed her fully on the lips, something she'd been longing to do. To her delight, Caroline kissed her back.
 When their kiss finally ended, Rebekah said, "I love you, Caroline. That's the simplest way to say how I feel."
 Caroline smiled. "I love you too, Princess."
 "Please, Caroline, just Rebekah."
 And they kissed again in the morning sun.

 Team Vampire Barbie is so underrated! It would so cute if Caroline got to have her June wedding with Rebekah.

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