Hayley Marshall #9

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 This must be it, you think, looking up at the building known as the Mikaelson compound. You've asked around town about the Mikaelsons' whereabouts, but no one seems to want to talk about the place. But knowing Klaus Mikaelson, that didn't surprise you at all.

 You step through the main entrance, but you see no signs if life in this place besides the fact that someone seems to have been doing a lot of dusting recently.

 "Hello?" you call. "Does anyone...live here?" 

 "If you're looking for Klaus, he's not home."

 "Oh. I was hoping to see him."

 "Well, he never actually said where he was going," the woman says, "Just the he was 'going out for a bit', so who knows what the hell that's supposed to mean."

 "Are you a friend of the family?" you ask.

 "You could say that," she answers, crossing her arms. "You mind telling me who you are?"

 "Y/N. I'm an old friend, from years ago," you explain. "I heard Klaus was living in New Orleans now, so I thought I might drop by. It figures that I would drop by when he's not even home. Do you mind if I wait? If he's not back in the next half-hour, I'll just come back tomorrow."

 She shrugs. "Sure. The living room's this way. I'm Hayley, by the way."

 "How long have you known the Mikaelsons?" you ask Hayley as you enter the living room.

 "Some years," she answers. "I imagine you've known them longer than I have, though." 

 "Four hundred and twenty-three years, to be exact," you say. "They disappeared one night- something about their father trying to kill them? I haven't seen them since. And you're a friend of the family as well?"

 "Well...I'm actually more like a family member now," Hayley says. "I'm the mother of Klaus' daughter."

 "But...that can't be. Vampires-"

 "Can't have children. I know. But Klaus is a hybrid, and werewolves can have children."

 You sit back in your chair. "I've missed quite a lot then, haven't I? I imagine that must be quite the daughter." 

 "Oh, yeah." She nods. "She's a tough kid, she's powerful, and she is definitely Klaus' number one girl."

 "And you and Klaus?" you ask. "Are you married or...in any relationship?"

 She shakes her head. "No. We're...sort of friends, I guess. We co-parent and co-exist for Hope's sake."

 "Do we have a visitor, Hayley?" you hear from the hallway, and into the room comes Klaus himself. He looks down at you with surprise. "Y/N?"

 "Yeah." You get up form your chair. "Surprise."

 He smiles. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Where have you been all these years?"

 "I could ask you the same thing," you say.

 "I think I'll let you two catch up," Hayley says. She gives a quick pat on the shoulder on the way out. "See you around, Y/N."

 "Hayley wasn't giving you any trouble, was she?" Klaus asks after she's left. "She can be rather feisty and bad-tempered sometimes."

 "No," you answer, staring over his shoulder at the doorway. "She's...actually pretty great."

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