Hayley Marshall #4

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 Being the youngest Mikaelson sibling has never been an easy thing. Being the youngest in a family usually isn't easy to start with, but when you think about your siblings, you almost envy other youngest children. 

 You could not have been more happy when Hayley began paying you a lot of attention. Even though she is the mother of brother Klaus' daughter, and the object of your other brother Elijah's affections, you fall for her, anyway. You even ask Kol, of all people, about asking women out on dates (and then think that maybe you'll just ask Elijah for advice from now on).

 When you and Hayley start dating, you suddenly realize how hard it is to have privacy in a big family, even with a home as big as the compound. It doesn't help that you have older brothers and sisters who constantly tease you.

 Once, when Hayley came over, you kissed her when she arrived. Freya and Finn were there, and Freya said, "Aw, aren't you two cute?" Finn, on the other hand, looks disgusted.

 "Yeah. Cute," you say. "Thanks, guys."

 Another time, Elijah walked into the room when you and Hayley were kissing, and he looked horrified at the sight.

 "Elijah." You and Hayley slowly break away from each other. You know he used to have a crush on Hayley, so you try not to get too romantic when he's around.

 "It's all right," he says. "I was just leaving. Just...carry on." 

 Then there was the time Klaus walked in on the two of you making out on the sofa.

 "Must you?" he asked. "In my living room?"

 "It's my living room, too," you point out. "I live here."

 He scowled. "Fine. But if you insist, I'm taking Hope out for a walk so she doesn't accidentally witness this horror."

 And Kol and Rebekah usually tease about a lot of things, so this was no exception. Eventually, you get fed up and gather all of your brothers and sisters together in the living room.

 "Look, guys," you say, "I think we need to establish some ground rules, especially where privacy is concerned."

 "Now, just a moment!" Klaus immediately cuts in. "If anyone around here is going to be making rules, it's me. I own this house."

 "I don't remember anyone dying and putting you in charge, Niklaus," Finn says.

 "That's just it," Rebekah says. "People died because of him, and he took charge all on his own."

 "Y/N, is this about you and Hayley?" Freya asked.

 "Yes, actually, it is," you answer. "Thank you, Freya, for being my only sensible sibling. Look, Hayley and I are a couple, okay? I know not all of you are particularly fond of the idea, but that's how things are. We need a little more privacy, if any of you even know what that is. Your constant presence and teasing is not good for a relationship."

 "So, it's our fault now that you have relationship issues?" Kol asks.

 "I don't think that's what Y/N is saying, Kol," Elijah says.

 "Y/N, there is no privacy in this house," Finn says. "Why do you think I complain?"

 "Oh, you complain about everything," Rebekah grumbles.

 "I have to agree with her, Finn," Kol says.

 "I still think I should be the one establishing rules around here," Klaus announces.

 "Well, then why don't establish a new privacy rule?" you snap.

 "Yes, Nik, come up a useful rule for once," Rebekah says.

 "And are any of you saying you have a problem with my leadership?" Klaus asks, looking around.

 "Everyone has a problem with your leadership," Finn says, "Because your 'leadership' is tyranny."

 "Please don't fight," Elijah says, looking like he's rather be anywhere else in the world.

 Seeing this conversation isn't going anywhere good, you think now would probably be a good time to make yourself scarce.


 "How did it go?" Hayley asks you later.

 You sigh. "Not as good as I hoped it might, but I think they got the point."

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