Writing Music

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  Elijah stared down at the blank sheet music pages in his hand.

 I must be able to write something, he thought. It just takes enough thought. 
He had just begun to play a few notes on the piano when-

 "I HATE YOU!" Rebekah screamed.
 "Oh, yes, just go on and hate the big brother who's trying to protect you," came Klaus's voice, dripping with sarcasm.

 "Well, maybe it would help your cause if you weren't such an overprotective bastard!" Rebekah stormed into the room, heading straight for Elijah and his piano. She was definitely in full 'Hurricane Rebekah' mode.
 "I can't believe him! Just because I had a date tonight." She sat down on the piano bench next to Elijah and put her head in her hands. "He can just be so horrible."
 "Well, what did he do this time?" Elijah asked, unsure if he actually wanted to know. 

 "I don't even want to think about him right now, Elijah!"
 "I can hear you both, you know!" Klaus called from somewhere within the compound.
 "Oh, shut up, Nik!" Rebekah yelled back. "You're an evil sociopath!" 
 This was not the peaceful afternoon Elijah had been hoping for.
 What he should do next, he had no idea. He loved both of them, no matter how annoying they were. But being stuck in one of their arguments was never a good thing. Rebekah was scary when she was angry and Klaus was...Klaus.

  "Well...," Elijah tried to think up something to say to his little sister. "I'm sure he means well."
 Rebekah gave him a look of disbelief. "Are you actually siding with him? I can't believe it!" 

 "Wait, Bekah-"
 She had already stormed off. 
 Just go back to your writing, Elijah, he thought. They'll figure it out.
 He was just getting started when he heard, "Is she gone?" Klaus strolled into the room. "I'm only trying to protect her, Elijah. You understand that, don't you?"

 Elijah sighed. "I understand you want to protect her, Niklaus. But I think sometimes you're too overprotective. Far too overprotective."
 "Overprotective? I'm trying to save her from any harm! Why must you always be against me?"

 "I am not against you! I'm just saying-"

 "Elijah," Rebekah came back into the room, "I'm sorry I yelled. What is he doing here?"

 "This is my house," Klaus pointed out. "If you don't like it, you don't have to live here."
 "Well, maybe I will move out!" Rebekah cried. "I don't want to live with you anyway."

 "NO!" Elijah got up from the piano bench. "No one is moving out. Now, why don't you two just go somewhere and-"
 "I don't want to go anywhere with him!" Rebekah interrupted.
 "Well, I'm not that horrible," said Klaus.
 "Oh, so daggering me in a box for ninety years wasn't 'that horrible'?"

 "Are we really going to bring that up again?"

 Just when Elijah thought his afternoon was never going to get better, he heard a cracking of bones, and his siblings slumped to the floor. Freya stood in the doorway, arms crossed.
 "So the strangest thing happened," she said. "I couldn't concentrate on anything because of a bunch of racket going on down here. And it looks like you couldn't, either." 
 Elijah sighed. "They have to be the most annoying siblings to ever exist, but I love them anyway."
 "Of course you do. You're their big brother. Now, why don't you go back to what you were doing? They should be out for a couple of hours."
 So Elijah sat back down at the piano and wrote...nothing. His concentration had been broken and the moment was gone. His head wasn't in it now.

 Elijah looked down at the unconscious Originals on the floor. "Thanks a lot, children."

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