Kol Mikaelson #1

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 Moving had been a big deal for you. Mystic Falls didn't look like too exciting a town when you first arrived, despite all of its known supernatural activity. 

 On one of your first days in town, you meet a young woman who looks to be about your age on the sidewalk outside your new house. She introduces herself as Rebekah Mikaelson, and explains that she lives in the mansion just up the hill with her brothers. They heard someone was moving into the vacant house just down the road from them, and that her brother had been curious about their new neighbor.

 "But you don't have to worry about Nik," she says, "Unless you're a vampire hunter or something like that."

 "You know, I heard there were some pretty old vampires living in the area," you say, "But I didn't think they'd be this close to me."

 Rebekah looks surprised. "That was supposed to be-"

 "A joke. I know. But from what I've heard, it's pretty hard to live in Mystic Falls and not have some idea about all of the supernatural mayhem that goes on."

 After that first meeting, you and Rebekah quickly become friends. She doesn't bring you to the mansion to meet her brothers too soon, saying that they're not always welcoming to newcomers. However, when you meet her brother Elijah, he simply smiles and welcomes you to the neighborhood. Klaus isn't as warm and welcoming, but he tells you that it's nice to see Rebekah making actual friends. From that, you get the feeling that the Mikaelsons are not known for their friendliness.


 "Is this the last box?" you ask Rebekah as you set it down on the floor. "And remind me again why I'm helping you move into a different room? You old room seemed fine."

 "There was nothing wrong with the room itself," she says. "It's that I can't stand being right next to Nik. He already annoys me to no end." She sighs. "Did you find anything interesting?"

 "Well, you've got what looks like an old photo album here," you say, holding up an old book.

 "So it is." Rebekah looks though it the pages with you. "I do remember these." 

 So, the two of you decide to take a break from the moving operation to look through the photos. Rebekah tells you stories from each place, making you laugh a few times.

 Soon, you come across a photo of Klaus, Elijah, and a third man you've never seen before.

 "And who is that handsome man?" you ask, pointing to the picture.

 Rebekah looks at the one pointing to and smirks. "Ah. That's Kol, my other brother."

 "You have a third brother?"

 "Oh, yes. I can tell you about him, if you'd like."

 You nod, and listen to her describe this Kol Mikaelson as you continue to stare at the photo. He doesn't sound like the kind of guy you would normally go for, but there's something about him that makes you want to meet him.

 "And he's currently daggered in a coffin," Rebekah finishes.

 You look up at her. "What?"

 She nods. "Pretty sure Nik has him down in the basement."

 "Well...couldn't we, you know, go undagger him?" you ask. "I mean, is there a reason why he's daggered in a coffin in the basement?"

 She smirks again. "Why, Annie, I didn't think you would ever go for a man like Kol. Well, it was just some silly quarrel he and Nik had some decades back. I suppose we could go get him."


 "And you don't find it disturbing at all that Klaus has you brother locked away in the basement?" you ask as you go down the stairs.

 "Oh, it's disturbing, all right," Rebekah answers. "So we all try to just get along with each other." She opens the lid of the coffin. "Here he is." 

 Looking at his face, you see it is definitely the man from the photo. Sticking out from his chest is the handle of a blade.

 "Well? Rebekah asks you. "Pull it out."

 You nervously pull the dagger out of his chest, and the two of you wait. After about five minutes, you ask, "I did something wrong, didn't I? He's not-"

 He opens his eyes, causing you to jump up, and Rebekah laughs.

 "Well, hello there," he says, looking up at you with a smile. "I don't believe we've met."

 "Now, Kol, be nice," Rebekah says.

 "Ah, sister," Kol says, looking over at her. "Deciding to finally rescue me from Nik's reign of terror, have you? And you brought you lovely friend with you." He gets up out of the coffin and says to you, "Kol Mikaelson, at your service. Might I know your name?"

 "I-It's Annie," you say with a bit of a stutter.

 "Well, Annie," he says, "I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm sure we'll be wonderful friends."

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