This New Normal (Freelin)

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 Keelin had always thought that she was a bit of a workaholic, but after seeing the way Freya poured over her magical studies, she felt like a bit of an amateur. 

 The way the Hollow had been dealt with was the exact opposite of what Freya had hoped for. Rather than being able to bring them all together, this had torn them apart. None of her four younger siblings could ever see each other again, literally. Freya was determined to find another way, an alternative solution, something that could bring her family back together again.

 So, that was their new normal, it seemed. Keelin would work at the hospital most days, and Freya would spend almost all of her time with her studies. Even on the days Keelin had off, Freya could barely relax whenever they tried to do something together. Keelin absolutely adored Freya, but this quickly began to drive her insane. 

 When Keelin got back to the compound one day, Freya wasn't there. She sighed, knowing this meant her girlfriend was up in her bell tower, still spending her time with her books. Freya had to tired by now; she had been there all day, leaving the compound the same time Keelin left for work.

 "I guess I'll have to come get you," she said out loud.


 Sure enough, that's where Freya was.

 "Any chance I can convince you to come out of your tower, princess?" Keelin asked.

 Freya looked up at her and smiled. "Keelin. I didn't think you were out of work yet."

 "You have no idea what time it is, do you? The sun just went down."

 Freya looked out the window and sighed. "I didn't know it was that late." 

 "Obviously. Freya," Keelin said, "Don't you think maybe you need a break from...all this?"

 "I can't just take a break, Keelin," Freya said. "I have been trying to figure this out for weeks, and I still haven't gotten anywhere. There has to be something I'm missing."

 "Freya." Keelin closed up all the books Freya had lying open and put them all in a pile. "You're tired. Yes, you've been working on it for weeks, and that shows just how determined and devoted to your family you are. Believe me, they will be grateful when they find out the lengths you've gone to for them. But you need to take care of yourself, too. You've barely slept, and I rarely see you eat any actual meals, both of which are not good for you. I'm a doctor, so I would know. Now, would you just come home with me already? Because that is one big old creepy house you've got me living in with you, and I'd rather not be alone in that place for too long."

 Freya smiled. "You're right. About all of that. I can't push myself over the limit, and I won't be any good to anybody. I just feel like no one but me believes I can actually do this."

 "Hey. Don't say that. I believe in you, Freya. Don't you worry about whether anyone believes you can do it or not, you just do it."

 Freya's smile got bigger, and she wrapped her arms around Keelin.

 "Thank you," she said. "Let's just go home. I can worry about all of this tomorrow. Let's just have tonight to ourselves."

 Keelin smiled. "That sounds perfect."

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