Klaus Mikaelson + Elijah Mikaelson (Part 3)

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 You did what Rebekah had told you to do, and followed your heart. Somehow, that led to Elijah, and you chose him in the end. You went to him and told him you love him, and would want to build a life with him. He was thrilled, and that made you happy.

 Of course, in those moments of joy, you didn't give much thought to Klaus. When you did remember you would have to tell him of your decision, it filled you with dread. You care about Klaus, and he wants is to be loved, and you know you're going to break his heart.

 He is happy when you come to see him, inviting you to sit down with him.

 "I've been thinking," you say, "About us."

 His smile grows. "Have you? And?"

 "I can't be you, Klaus." 

 His smile falters. "What?"

 "Klaus, I've chosen Elijah," you say. "I couldn't decide between the two of you, and Rebekah told me to follow my heart, and it led me to Elijah. I love him, Klaus. I don't think you and I would have been a good fit."

 His smile completely disappears. He gets up and walks over to the window.

 "If that's the decision you have made," he says, "Go be with Elijah, then. Leave me alone."

 You nod and get up. "I know I've hurt your feelings, Klaus, and I'm sorry I did."

 He doesn't say a word or even look at you as you leave the room.


 For the next few weeks, you barely see Klaus. He seems to be avoiding both you and Elijah completely. You understand that you hurt him by choosing Elijah, but eventually you think that maybe he's acting a little too childish.

 When you and Elijah return to the compound one evening form an outing, hand-in-hand, Klaus is sitting nearby reading. He takes one look at the two of you, rolls his eyes, and gets up to leave.

 "You can't keep avoiding us like this, Niklaus," Elijah says.

 "I can and I will," Klaus shoots back.

 "You know you can't avoid me forever!" Elijah calls after.

 "I most certainly can and I most certainly will!"

 Elijah sighs and says to you, "I am very sorry about him. He can act completely ridiculous sometimes."

 "I can still hear you, Elijah, and I know you're insulting me in some way!"

 "It's okay," you say. "I'm the one that hurt him. He'll have to come around eventually, right?" 

 He looks uncertain. "Well, that depends. He could be holding this against us for quite some time."


 About two months after you and Elijah got together, the two of you return home to find that dinner has already been laid out, with Klaus sitting at the head of the table.

 "Ah, there you are," he says with a smile. "I've had dinner prepared. Won't you both sit down?"

 Elijah gives Klaus a suspicious, and then he look over to the side of the table where his sisters are sitting. "What is he up to?" he asks them.

 Freya shrugs. "I think it has something to do with you two."

 "Why don't you ask Nik?" Rebekah asks. "Whatever this new scheme of his is, it's got nothing to be with me."

 You and Elijah both sit down, and Elijah asks his brother, "What is this, Niklaus?"

 "Well, I've realized I have acted somewhat ridiculous these last two months," he begins. "It did hurt when Y/N chose Elijah over me, but I think that perhaps I could have handled it better. Elijah, you are my brother, and I should not have turned on you the way I did. You were right when you told me I was acting ridiculous. And Y/N, I'm sorry I haven't treated you very well, either. You're like another member of the family now, and I think you deserve to be treated like one."

 You give him a smile. "Thank you, Klaus."

 He smiles back. "Now, let's eat, shall we?"

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