Therapy Sessions (Klamille)

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 When she arrived at the Mikaelson compound, Cami was a little surprised to see Klaus answer the door himself.

 "Don't you have minions to do that kind of stuff for you?" she asked.

 He shrugged. "Well, there are some things you just have to yourself. I knew you were coming today, so I wanted to greet you as you arrived."

 "Did Elijah have to remind you again? Last time I came, he let me in because you had forgotten about our session." 

 Klaus paused before answering, "Well, Elijah does tend to remember things better than I. You've no idea how many times he's thrown all my terrible deeds in my face."

 "And I'm guessing he does that because you're always doing something to justify his throwing your terrible deeds in his face?"

 He paused again. "Well, only sometimes. There are plenty of times when he seems to be angry at me for no good reason at all."

 "Mm-hmm." Cami nodded. "Should I be writing all this down?"

 "No, no. I'd rather not discuss my brother's painfully annoying lectures. And he's not even the only one. I have two sisters now to point out all of my wrongdoings. Well, Freya hasn't been around me as much as Rebekah and Elijah, so she's a little nicer about it."

 "Have you been working on getting past these wrongdoings, like you talked about last time?" Cami asked.

 "I'm trying," Klaus answered. "It's not easy when just about everyone you know hates you. I know my siblings do love me, and I love them, but they can so painfully annoying. You'd be surprised, really. Now, who else is there? Oh, Davina Claire hates me because I wrong her. Marcel is uncertain, since he and I don't talk much. I'm not sure if Hayley even likes me, but I do get to spend time with Hope, so maybe she does like me a little bit. As for everyone else who knows's a much bleaker outlook, I'm afraid."

 "If it helps any," Cami said, "Marcel did come by Rousseau's the other day. He asked about our sessions, and if you've been any less destructive lately."

 "'Any less destructive lately'?" Klaus repeated. "What does he think I am, some ticking time bomb?"

 She shrugged. "I guess so. And you forgot me in your narrative. You know I like you, and you know I'm always around." 

 He smiled. "I know. I didn't need to add you in because I already know you can always be counted on." He sat down next to her on the sofa. "I had a terrible day yesterday. I was in a terrible mood, and had arguments with Elijah, Rebekah, Freya, and Hayley. Rebekah actually threw a book at my head, and the rest of them looked like they wanted to throw something at me. Really, I know Hayley was eyeing up that vase on the mantelpiece. But I woke up in a better mood this morning, and I remembered our session was today, so that made me feel good. I apologized to everyone for setting them off, and I think they all accepted my apologies. I'll see later."

 Cami smiled. "Wow. You're making it sound like that was huge progress for you."

 "I think it was. I don't usually apologize to people. It felt strange, honestly. But I think you inspired me. So, I wanted to ask, how would you like to stay over for dinner?"

 "For dinner? Klaus, dinner is hours away."

 He shrugged. "I don't mind you sticking around. We can have a nice dinner here tonight, just the two of us."

 "Last time I checked, other people live here," Cami pointed out.

 "Camille, for you, I would kick everyone out for the evening. They can go find something else to do. Or even better, I can take you out for dinner. Yes, that might actually be better. Less arguing with that one. Would you happen to be free tonight?"

 "You know," she said, "Tonight happens to be my night off. I think I can make it to dinner." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now, if this session is over, I have to do. I'll see you later."


 When Freya walked past Klaus' room later that afternoon, the door was partly open, and she could see Klaus standing in front of the mirror, apparently trying to straighten his shirt collar.

 "Well, don't you look spiffy," she said. "You taking wardrobe tips from Elijah?"

 "Oh, not now, Freya," Klaus snapped. "I have a date to prepare for."


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