Kol Mikaelson #3 (Sequel to #2)

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 You continue to glance at Kol from over at the bar, wondering if you should go talk to him.

 "You know, you can go hang out with him if you want," Cami says. "Don't let us hold you up." 

 You look at Marcel. He shrugs. "If you want."

 "Okay," you say. "I'll see you guys later."

 You walk over to Kol's table, wondering how to start a conversation.

 "I hope I'm not taking you away from your time with your friends," he says when you're a few feet away from him.

 "You're not," you say. "They understand. And to be honest, you don't seem like the guy who couldn't mind taking a woman away from her friends for a little while."

 He smiles and shrugs. "Well, you caught me. Please, sit down. So, I have the feeling you already know a little about me."

 "Not much of anything, really," you reply. "Just what Marcel and Cami have said."

 He sighs. "Is Marcel still giving everyone that 'big bad Mikaelsons' speech? It's silly of him, you know, given that my brother raised him. And since he and Rebekah are...whatever they are. Rebekah's my sister. She and I don't talk to each other much about our love lives, but I know something's going on between them."

 "Wow." You glance over at Marcel. "So, he's had a girlfriend all this time, and he didn't even bother to tell me. He thinks Cami has a thing for your brother Klaus, although she says they're just friends."

 "Well, I don't know about Camille, but Nik certainly seems to be fond of her," Kol says. "But enough about my family. They're all insane, anyway. I want to hear about you, Y/N."


 "It's getting late," you say a while later. "I should probably be getting home."

 "Well, let me walk you home then," Kol says.

 "No, it's okay. I can get home all right."

 "No, really," he says, getting up, "I insist. It'll give us a chance to talk a little longer."

 You smile. "Okay, then. Let's go."

 "So, you're a vampire," you say as you walk down the street together. "How dangerous would you say the streets of New Orleans are with the supernatural things going on?"

 "Well, particularly safe," he answers. "But as long as you mind your own business, you'll probably be fine."

 "Is that what you do?" you ask. "Just mind your own business?"

 "Pretty much. I try not get involved in Nik's nonsense unless it's necessary. He can be a bit a baby sometimes, to be quite honest."

 "Really? You know, I can't picture a guy of his description being Cami's 'love interest', as you put it," you say. "He doesn't sound like the type she'd go for. And what about you? Do you have a 'love interest'?"

 "Not at the moment," he says. "Haven't found the right person, I suppose."

 "We're here," you say, stopping outside your apartment building. "Thanks for walking me home."

 "Of course. Now that I know where to find you, I do hope you'll let me spend more time with you."

 You nod. "Sure. I'll see you around."

 He smiles. "See you around, Y/N."

 You watch him walk away before going inside.

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