Together (Klayley)

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 Hayley stood alone on the balcony. Her life and pretty much everything else was messed up. Hope was sleeping inside; she was the only good thing Hayley had.
 "Can I join you?"
 Hayley turned around. Klaus was standing in the doorway.

 "Yeah. Sure."

 Hayley turned back to the view of the city as Klaus stepped over the threshold and came to stand beside her.
 "How are you, Hayley?" he asked. "I know everything's been very...difficult lately."
 Hayley scoffed. "'Difficult' does not even begin to describe it." She sighed. "I've missed Jackson. I wish he was still here."

 "I understand. However, there is still Elijah," Klaus pointed out. "His affection towards you has not escaped my notice-or anyone else's, for that matter. I must say, I'm a little disappointed in him for not being just a little more subtle."

 "Klaus, I don't think I can be with Elijah," Hayley said. "After everything that's happened, it feels wrong. For the entirety of my marriage to Jackson, I cared more about Elijah than I did my own husband. I can't start something with Elijah now."

 Klaus nodded. "That makes sense, I suppose. Have you made Elijah aware of this?"
 "Yeah, I did. He understood, and I feel horrible about it now." 

 "Hayley," Klaus gently placed his hand on her shoulder, "you should never feel sorry for doing what you believe is right. You clearly thought this over carefully before coming to a decision. I know my brother, and I know he will respect your decision."

 Hayley gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, Klaus." She looked into the open doorway. "Hope's been out for a while. She'll probably sleep through the night, but I try not to put her down too early just in case."

 "I don't think it would ever annoy me to get up during the night and see her beautiful face," Klaus said affectionately. "I know how lucky we are to have her."

 "Definitely. She's the best thing in my life, Klaus."

 Klaus nodded. "Mine as well. I adore her."

 They smiled at each other, bonding over their love for their daughter.

 "Hayley, I know I haven't been a good co-parent in the past," Klaus said, "but I love Hope, and I want to do better. I will do better."
 Hayley nodded. "I believe you."

 There was a long moment of silence in which they just stared at each other, neither knowing what to say. Then Klaus slowly leaned in and kissed Hayley softly on the lips, and Hayley didn't stop him, though Klaus half expected her to.
 When he pulled away, he began to say, "Hayley-"
 "Don't," she said, shushing him. "Do not spoil this one good moment."

 She rested her head on his shoulder, and together they looked out to the view of New Orleans.

 The two of them and their beautiful city. 

  I know there are a lot of Haylijah shippers out there, but people, look at the short above and see the other possibilities.

 I think I might write more Klayey stories in the future.

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