Loneliness (Kind of Camilijah)

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 Camille O'Connell was surprised when she saw Elijah Mikaelson walk into Rousseau's that


 "Hey, there. I wasn't expecting you," she said with a smile. "I have to say, you do not look good."
 Elijah nodded as if that didn't surprise him. "I must look quite the sight. I needed to get out of the compound for a while." He paused. "It was a full moon was last night."

 "Oh." Cami knew he was worried about Hayley. "You know what? You look like you need a therapist, and my shift is about to end. Why don't we go back to the compound and-"
 "No. I don't want to go back there yet."

 "Fine. We can go to my place. Here." She handed him a glass of scotch. "You drink that, even though you look like you've already had a few."
 "Thank you, Camille. I believe a therapist would be rather handy right now."


 "So," Cami sat down on the sofa, "what's troubling you, Elijah? Something obviously is."
 "Something has been troubling me for several months now." Elijah didn't sit. "It's my brother. And Hayley." He began to pace across the floor. "For months now, Hayley and her pack have been under this curse. Niklaus clearly does not care. I don't know what to do about it. Freya and I have done our best to take care of Hope, and Freya is wonderful at it, but she needs her mother."
 "Why do you think Klaus did what he did?"

 "Because he apparently thought Hayley was trying to take his daughter away from him. Hayley, Jackson, and the rest of the pack were trying to take Hope somewhere safe. My brother acted selfishly, without giving any thought to his daughter's mother."

 "Are you sure that's what it is?" Cami asked. "You don't think he feels any regret at all?"
 "I don't know. He might." Elijah stopped pacing and sighed. "I want to forgive him, honestly. But I can't bring myself to do it. I cannot do it."

 "Why do you think you can't bring yourself to apologize?"
 "I think...because it feels almost the same as when he took our mother away. Except that time, I didn't know he was guilty because he let the rest of us believe Father murdered her."

 "Are you sure it isn't less about Klaus," said Cami, "and more about your feelings for Hayley?"
 He looked startled for a quick moment, then gave a small smile. "I should have known it was that easy to see. Yes, I care very much for Hayley. But she married Jackson; nothing can happen between us."

 Cami didn't know Elijah very well, but she didn't like seeing him so sad. "Hey. Don't get yourself so depressed. Therapists are supposed to help you, not make you feel worse."
 "I know. I'm sorry if I'm making you feel like you're not doing your job right."
 "No, you aren't." She got up and pulled him into a hug. He quickly stiffened, but then relaxed and hugged her back.
 She pulled back to give him a smile, and was going to say something, but Elijah did something completely unexpected. He kissed her.

 Cami was so surprised she did nothing at first. But when what was happening registered in her mind, she immediately pushed him away.
 They stared at each other for a long moment. Elijah seemed to realize then what he'd done, and said, "I'm sorry, Camille. I shouldn't have done that."
 "Probably not a good idea," Cami agreed. "You know what I think? You're lonely, and you need friends. So I'll be your friend."
 Elijah smiled. "Thank you, Camille. I know you and Niklaus have become rather close. If you think you can give him a chance, I wouldn't mind having you for a sister-in-law. You're a good woman, Camille O'Connell." With that, he left.

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