Camille O'Connell #1

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 You know your friend Cami has been struggling since she became a vampire. You really want to help her, but you don't know how.

 You're surprised when you walk into Rousseau's and see Cami there, working her usual shift as if nothing were wrong. She looks fine, so you think that maybe she's doing better now.
 You sidle up to the bar and say, "Hey, stranger. How have you been?" 

 Cami looks over at you and gives you a smile. "Hey, Y/N. Where have you been?"

 "Around town, as usual. What about you, Cami? How have you been since, you know-"

 "Since Aurora de Martel turned me into a vampire?" she cuts in. "I've been better." She sighs. "It's been so much harder than I thought it would be. I don't know how Klaus and Marcel and everyone else handles it."

 "They've all been around for centuries," you point out. "You're a young vampire. It's understandable that you're having trouble coping. I'm sure if you ask the Mikaelsons, they'll tell you they had trouble at first."

 "Y/N, have you met them? They'll never admit to weaknesses, especially Klaus."

 "Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, how about I wait up for you once your shift's done? Being a vampire gives you a lot more energy, so you shouldn't be too tired once your shift's done."

 She smiles. "Okay, why not? I could use somebody talk to."


 You and Cami walk away from Rousseau's and down the street.

 "Are you sure you're okay?" you ask her. "You just don't seem well."

 "I'm coping," she says quickly. "Klaus has been helping me-"

 "Then that must be the problem," you say. "Having Klaus Mikaelson as a mentor can pretty much seal your doom."

 "Please don't talk about him like that." She sighs. "If you really want to hear me say it, then yeah, I'm having trouble with all of this. I really thought I could handle it, but I don't know if I can." 

 "You shouldn't think like that, though," you say. "You went through some rough times as a human, didn't you? This is just another rough time. And look at it like this: you get to have forever to figure it out, no rush."

 "I guess that's a good point," Cami says. "You know, I think I'm glad you're on my side in all this. Thank you, Y/N."

 You nod. "Of course. I'm always around if you ever need me."


 Cami is another underrated character. It seems like no one ever writes about her, either.

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