Matt Donovan #1

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  You head to the Mystic Grill, knowing your friend Matt is currently on his shift. You haven't seen much of him lately, and hope he has some free time on his hands.

 You walk in and head for the bar, where Matt is currently at work. He stops and smiles when he sees you.

 "Hey, Y/N," he says. "It feels like it's been forever. Sit down. So, what have you been up to?"

 "Not much," you reply. "What's going on with you? How are things with you and Caroline?"

 Matt pauses. "Caroline and I broke up."

 "You did?" The last time you had seen him with Caroline, they had looked so happy together. It was the happiest you had seen Matt in a while. "Do you mind if I ask why? You guys looked like you were genuinely happy together."

 "Well, we...we ran into some problems. I think it was just best that we ended it."

 "Oh. Well, don't be so down in the dumps," you say. "You and Caroline could still be friends, couldn't you? It's not like it's the end of the world."

 He shrugs. "Yeah, I guess you got a point."

 "Of course I do. Now, come on. Smile a little, won't you? Hey, why don't we hang out once your shift is over? I think you need to get out and have some fun."

 He gives you a small smile. "Okay, fine. Give me a little longer here, and we can go find something fun to do."

 "Of course we will," you say, "Because I know how to have fun."

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