Slow, Love, Slow (Mivina)

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 Davina didn't know how long she and Mikael would be able to stay at the cabin until someone found them. But they would stay for as long as they could.

 Strangely enough, Davina had begun to feel a pull towards the oldest Original. What the pull was, she wasn't sure, but she somehow felt attracted to him. Mikael never seemed to let his emotions show, so if he felt anything for her, she had no idea. 


 After their fighting lesson, she went inside the cabin to put some ice on her sprained ankle. She sat on a chair in the kitchen as she pulled her shoe off.

 "That looks nasty."

 Davina looked up to see Mikael standing in the doorway. She hadn't heard him enter the cabin.

 "I can take care of it," she said.

 "You don't seem very equipped." He stepped forward. "Let me heal it faster." He bit into his wrist and held it out towards her. "Drink my blood. It'll heal you." 

 She narrowed her eyes at him. "What's the catch?"

 "There isn't one. I am offering you my blood so you can be ready for more training."

 She hesitated only a little longer before she began to drink. She didn't have to drink much before her ankle was healed.

 "I don't think you'll be needing that ice now," Mikael said. "Shall I turn the radio on?"

 Davina was surprised at how calm and gentle he was acting. He had been furious that she was controlling him. Now he was calmly turning the dials on the portable radio until he got to a station where a slow, jazzy song had begun playing.

 "I like this one," he said, pausing to listen to the lyrics.

 Davina paused as well, listening to the soft piano in the background as the song went on.

 I wonder, do I love you, or the thought of you?

 "That's strange," Mikael said softly. "I was wondering something of the sort."

 "What do you mean?" Davina asked.

 He looked up at her, startled, as if he hadn't realized he had spoken aloud. "I was thinking about you, actually. I don't love you, or the thought of you, but I think I like the thought of you. If that even makes any sense."

 "Not much," she replied, although it got her thinking; did she like the thought of him? Was the attraction she had felt?

 No, she shouldn't tell him about it, she thought. He'd probably just laugh at her.

 "Mikael," she began, "Do you think like there's some sort of pull between us? Like, drawn to each other."

 Mikael didn't laugh or make any snide remarks. Instead, he stared at her for a few long seconds before saying, "Of course I think there is. You brought me back to this world, Davina. And you still have that bracelet. I think there has to be a connection between us."

 A musical interlude had started, with a blues-like guitar.

 "You really think there is?" Davina asked. 

 Mikael nodded. "I do. I started thinking about you more often when you had me locked up in the church. We're a strange duo, aren't we? The Destroyer and the little witch who saved him from the Other Side."

 He had walked towards her as he spoke, so close together now that they were practically touching. He then bent down and pressed his lips softly against hers. They were both surprised by how good it felt.

 "We have something," Davina whispered. "I just don't know what it is. But I want to know what."

 The song had reached its climax.

 Slow, love, slow
 Slow, slow

 "That's how we can take it," Mikael whispered back, with a hint of a smile. "Slow, love, slow."


 The song I used here is 'Slow, Love, Slow' by Nightwish. I recommend looking it up on Youtube and giving it a listen.

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