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 The Idea: Esther, Mikael, and all the kids (even Henrik) get together at the compound for a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
 Oh, if only things were that simple.

 Everyone sits around the dining table, some rather reluctantly. Not everybody is happy about this. Quite a few are glaring at each other.
 "Before we start," Freya says, "did anyone besides me bother to find out what Thanksgiving is actually about?" 
 "I know," Rebekah says.
 "So do I," says Elijah.
 Nobody else seems to actually know.
 "Klaus, don't you have any idea?" Freya asks.
 "I do know what it's about," Klaus says. "I just forgot. I didn't see how it was important I do know."
 "Why should I bother learning about boring things like that?" Kol asks.
 "I might have known what it's about," says Finn, "if someone hadn't daggered me for 900 years." He glares at Klaus. 
 "Now, Finn, this is supposed to be a day where we put aside our differences and act like a family," says Esther. "You can all get along for today."
 "Then why are Father and Niklaus glaring at each other?" Henrik asks.
 "I am not glaring," Mikael says. "I'm merely observing." 
 Klaus scoffs. "Of course you are. And calculating the best way to kill me."
 "Elijah, why don't you tell everyone the Thanksgiving story?" Freya asks him, glancing nervously around the table.
 "What? Oh, sure." Elijah realizes she's worried about a war breaking out. At this point, that seems likely.
 "In the year 1620, a group of people from England sailed to America on a little boat call the Mayflower. They left their home because they wanted to live in a place where they could freely practice their own religion, and not have to be bound to the Church of England and the king's laws."
 "That's why?" Kol asks.
 "Was the king of England another Klaus?" Finn asks.
 "Did you like being daggered in that box?" Klaus growls.
 "Oh, just let him finish the story!" says Rebekah. "Go on, Elijah."
 "Thank you, Rebekah. When the group finally landed in the New World, it was already December. They had a harsh winter, and half of the settlers died. By springtime, only 50 of the original 102 were left."
 "Why did they call it the New World if it was already here for years?" Henrik asks Elijah.
 "Because the Europeans who named it the New World were idiots," Mikael answers. "We Vikings knew about it. Pretty much everyone else in the medieval times were illiterate fools."
 "Well, I suppose I wouldn't know since I was daggered for 900 years." Again, Finn glares at Klaus.
 "Are you ever going to get over that?" Klaus asks. "And how are all you here, anyway? Shouldn't at least half of you be dead?"
 "Well, that's the comical part of the show," says Mikael. "We all keep dying and coming back, and everyone knows that's only supposed to happen on daytime dramas."
 "What's a daytime drama?" Henrik asks.
 "It's boring soap operas," Rebekah answers. "Don't watch them."
 "Can I please get back to the story now?" Elijah asks. He looks very annoyed.
 "Please do," says Freya.
 "So, when springtime did come, the settlers weren't sure if they should stay in America or go back to England."
 "Why would they want to go back to the place where there was a Klaus for a king?" Kol asks. Klaus looks like he wants to rip Kol's head off.
 "But one day," Elijah continues, "a English-speaking Native American named Samoset came to the settlers' village. He had learned English from fur traders who would come to the Americas. Soon after, he brought another Native American man named Squanto. Squanto became friends with the Pilgrims, and he and the nearby Native American tribe, the Wampanogs, began to teach the Pilgrims how to grow food, and where to fish and hunt.
 "By time autumn came, the settlers had plenty of food for the winter. They decided to invite their Native friends for a huge feast. And that became known as the First Thanksgiving, because of how thankful the Pilgrims were for what they had."
 "So they jut went and ate all the food they spent so much time growing for the winter?" Kol asks. "That's the story?"
 "They didn't eat all their supply," says Rebekah. "They had to save some for the winter ahead."
 "How would you know?" Klaus asks her. "You weren't even there."
 "Well, Elijah knows, and he wasn't there," Kol points out.
 "Because apparently, I'm the only one of us that actually reads." 
 "I would have been able if-" Finn began.
 "THAT IS IT!" Klaus gets up from his seat and gives Finn a death stare. "If you cannot stop talking about that-"
 "I think I have to agree with Finn." Kol gets up from his seat too. "I was daggered for years as well, and no one cared."
 "I would have freed you if I found you," Mikael offers. "The only one of you I wanted to die was Klaus."
 "Oh, shut up, Mikael," Klaus snaps. "You're dead, anyway."
 "Guys, this is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about," says Freya.
 "Well, I'm certainly not thankful I have brothers," says Rebekah.
 "Oh, really?" Klaus turns his death stare to his little sister. "Well, perhaps I'm not thankful for every time I've had to get out of some sort of trouble. Who would have doe that if not your brothers?"
 "That's what fathers are for," says Mikael.
 "Children, please stop this," says Esther. "And don't encourage them, Mikael."
 "How am I encouraging them?"
 "I think I'm going upstairs," Elijah says. "Come on, Henrik. This is going to get ugly."
 "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" Rebekah cries.
 "Sure. That's why you have so many boyfriends," says Kol.
 "What boyfriends?" Mikael asks.
 "Why are you being so cruel?" Finn asks. "I don't Rebekah has any better undaggered than I did when I was daggered."
 "THAT IS IT!" Klaus launches himself at Finn, knocking over Rebekah, Kol, and the entire table.
 "I think I'll just take a walk," says Freya, heading for the door.
 Mikael looks at Esther from across the now upside-down table. "Why did we ever have children?"

                                                                              The End


 This is the kind of stuff that happens when you leave the Mikaelsons alone together.

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