About Christmas

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 "Mom, isn't Dad gonna help decorate the house for Christmas?" A seven-year-old Hope asked her mother. 

 Her Aunt Rebekah scoffed. "I doubt it. Nik doesn't know how to celebrate anything."

 "That's not true, Rebekah," Elijah said as he and Kol set up the Christmas tree.

 "It may as well be," said Kol. "I've never seen him get happy for the holidays."
 "Come on, guys, he can't be that bad," said Freya.

 "He is that bad," Rebekah and Kol said in unison.

 "Hope, why don't you go ask your dad if he wants to join us?" Hayley suggested. "If anyone can convince him, it's his little wolf princess." 

 So Hope went up to her father's room, which her Uncle Kol claimed doubled as his evil lair, but she didn't think that was true. 
 She knocked on the door and called, "Dad? It's Hope."

 Klaus Mikaelson was at work on another painting. He didn't look over at Hope when he said, "Hello, darling, what can I help you with?"

 "Aren't you going to help with the Christmas decorating?" she asked. "I helped Uncle Elijah and Uncle Kol find a big tree, and then I helped Aunt Freya gather Christmas ornaments. Dad, it's not true what Aunt Bekah and Uncle Kol said, is it?"
 "That depends. What ridiculous thoughts have my little siblings been putting in your head?"

 "That you hate holidays and celebrating. They think you're like Scrooge." 

 Klaus put down his paintbrush. "That is most absurd, darling. I am quite fond of the holidays. If anyone was a Scrooge, it was your Uncle Finn. Here, have a look at what I've made."
 Hope stepped up to the easel. "It's our house. And it's decorated for Christmas."

 "Exactly. I thought perhaps I could hang it somewhere around the house."
 "Can I put it in my room?" Hope asked.
 Klaus looked surprised, but he said, "Yes, if you want to. Why don't we go join your mother and my annoying sib-I mean, everyone else."
 "Ah, Niklaus, you're just in time to help decorate," Elijah said as they came down the stairs. "Bekah and Kol didn't think you could be convinced to join the rest of us."

 "Well, it just takes the right sort of convincing." Klaus smiled down at his daughter as he said so. "If you must know why I've been locked away in my room, I was painting something."
 "He painted the compound decorated for Christmas!" Hope said. "And Dad said I can hang in my room."

 "That's great," said Hayley.
 "And you said his room was really an evil lair," Freya said to Kol.

 "I didn't say that specifically," Kol said. "He's probably got a secret one underneath the house."

 Klaus just rolled his eyes at him, then said to Hope, "How would you like to put the star on the tree? But first, Freya where are those ornaments Hope helped you bring down? It seems we have quite a bit of work to do." 

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