The Mikaelsons React: Season 4 of TO

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 Well, this is nearly three weeks late, but at least it's here.

 Nearly three weeks ago was the intense, heart-wrenching finale of Season 4 of 'The Originals'. Even though the number of episodes was cut down, and this season was shorter than the first three, it was still an intense, fast-paced, incredible season.

 Klaus: Are you kidding me!? It was absolutely horrible! I have an entire list of complaints for whoever wrote such rubbish!

 Why is he here?

 Klaus: Obviously, because I am the star. My presence is pretty much a required thing.

 Wow. You are really full of yourself, aren't you?

 Klaus: Anyway, as I was saying, that was horrible! I am completely disgusted! NO ONE threatens my daughter in such ways and LIVES! And look at my brother! He's scarred for eternity!

 Elijah: I've been put through things I can never undo.

 Well, now that we've heard Klaus' opinion, let's move on to the others. Elijah?

 Elijah: They made me a monster. And I died. Literally.  

 Okay, Elijah does not seem to be in very good place right now. Rebekah?

 Rebekah: Well, I'm happy Marcel and I got to be together in the end. I know we'll live happily ever after. (pauses) Well, I'm pretty sure. But I don't like being separated from my siblings. It's no fun.


 Freya: I wish I could have done more to stop the Hollow. But Keelin and I are happy together, and I hope someday I'll find a way to undo this new curse.


 Kol: Well, Davina and I are back together, so I'm good.

 Hayley: Well, I think the writers should make up their minds on whether or not they actually want me and Elijah together. It's been the same back-and-forth story for the whole show!

 Klaus: That's what I should add to my list of complaints. Why must we be tormented with Elijah and Hayley's stupid romance plotline?

 Rebekah: I think Marcel and I should have been the big romance of the show.

 While we're still here, do you have any thoughts, Finn?

 Finn: I don't know. I wasn't paying too close attention, but it just looked like my siblings getting themselves into even more trouble.

 Kol: Wow, you're just a real burst of sunshine, aren't you? 

 Finn: I was daggered in a coffin for nine hundred years. I have a right to be angry at all of you.

 Okay. Now that we've heard everyone's opinions-

 Mikael: Now, wait a minute! I have things to say! I was on for literally one episode, and for that one literal episode, my identity was stolen by a teenage girl who beat up most of my children without even touching them. Don't any of you have any shame?

 Klaus: You're still here? Can you really not take a hint? You know, I'm going to add you to my list of complaints. Why must Mikael have any part in the show in the first place? From the moment you first appeared on my show, there have been problems.

 Mikael: There have been problems from your first episode, because you're the star.

 Klaus: You were in the first episode. It was a flashback, but it still counts.

 Mikael: That doesn't matter! I know you're just looking for more stuff to blame on me.

 Great. Now that we've heard everyone's opinions on Season 4, let's talk about Season 5.

 Mikael: Will I be in it?

 It doesn't seem very likely.

 Mikael: Why not? I have thoughts and feelings too, you know. We didn't even go too deep into my millennium. How do we know I don't have any hidden stories that are worth unearthing?

 Klaus: Maybe no one cares.

 Though that might actually be interesting, I heard Season 5 might be focusing on a teenage Hope. 

 Hayley: Teenage Hope? She's seven! How far into the future are we going here?

 I would eight, nine, maybe even ten years, depending on how old she'll be.

 Klaus: Ten years?

 Elijah: I don't think I can survive that long.

 And I heard Caroline Forbes might be appearing on the show.

 Klaus: Well, at least Caroline is a normal, intelligent being. No one else on that show was. Well, I suppose Stefan was. If he had come to my show for a while, I don't think I would have minded much.

 Well, I think that's all that's been said so far: Caroline will probably be appearing at some point, and we might be seeing a teenage Hope.

 Klaus: That's it?

 It's only been about three weeks since Season 4 ended, and there was apparently a pretty big chance the show would be cancelled. 

 Rebekah: Well, when is the next season supposed to start.

 You guys weren't on the The CW's fall schedule when I saw it, so I'm guessing you're being pushed back again.

 Hayley: What? How is that even fair? Why can't someone else do it this time?

 Klaus: Oh, I have many, many complaints.


 My thought on Season 4:

1. I honestly thought it was a great season.

2. I'm glad Marcel wasn't the villain, because that would have just felt wrong.

3. There's something about this newer, tamer version of Klaus I don't like. I think I'm just used to the old, mean version of Klaus that used rip people's heads off and stuff.

4. I thought the Marbekah ship had crashed and burned, but I'm glad they got back together in the end.

5. I think it's great that they made Freya bisexual and put her with Keelin, and that they finally gave her a love interest, because Freya is the cutest little bean who deserves some love.

6. I cannot bring myself to ship Haylijah. I think if the writers put them together an left them together, they would have made it as a couple, but this back-and-forth thing with them just seems stupid to me.

7. It was interesting to see Elijah's dark side, but I don't like that they seemed to be making him out to be such a monster when we know he isn't really that terrible.

8. I have never really liked Davina or Kol, but I think it's nice we had Kolvina in the end.

9. I'm honestly not as excited for the possibility of an appearance from Caroline as some probably are. I mean, I love Caroline, but if she's going to be on TO it means they're probably just trying to find a way to put Klaus and Caroline together now that Cami's gone, and I never really shipped Klaroline. I honestly like Klamille and Klayely more.

10. Even though Vincent did have a bigger part in this season, I feel like they still have never really given him a real storyline.

11. The season finale was kind of heart-breaking. No, scratch that, it was heart-breaking.

12. Why can't Season 5 just be here already?

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