The Mikaelsons React: Ships Concerning Elijah

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 So, I know I wrote at the end of the last part that I was going to write a Tristan/Lucien one-shot, but I'm a little stuck on that one right now, so I'm doing this instead.

Elijah: I'm not comfortable with this.

There aren't as many Elijah ships as there are Klaus ships.

Klaus: That's because all the fans like me better than him.

No, Klaus, that is not what it means, because I like Elijah more than I like  you.

Reactions to Elejah (Elijah and Elena Gilbert)

Elijah: Elena? Well, I did like her a bit.

Rebekah: I didn't.

Kol: Eh. You could do better.

Freya: So you guys didn't like her?

Rebekah: Of course not.

Klaus: Move onto the next one.

Reactions to Kalijah (Elijah and Katherine Pierce)

Kol: Who cares? She's dead.

Rebekah: Exactly.

Finn: Wasn't she shipped with Klaus, too?

Freya: I think so.

Elijah: Well, we did like each other before she died. But I don't think it would have worked.

Klaus: Moving on.

Reactions to Camilijah (Elijah and Cami)

Klaus: Elijah...

Elijah: But I'm not in love with Cami! I mean I wasn't. I liked her, but not that like.

Freya: You guys might have been cute together.

Rebekah: Yes, I think I could see that.

Klaus: I'm still here, you know.

Kol: Oh, who cares?

Elijah: Klaus, I wasn't in love with Cami.

Klaus: Fine.

Reactions to Marlijah (Elijah and Marcel)

Elijah: I've been shipped with Marcel?

Rebekah: So, first it was Cami, now it's Marcel, huh?

Elijah: But I'm not in love with Marcel!

Kol: These ships are not making you look very good, brother.

Finn: I agree.

Freya: I cannot see this happening.

Klaus: I do not approve of any of these pairings.

Hey, I'm just telling you what I read on the Internet.

Reactions to Elijah and Caroline Forbes (Carolijah?)

Klaus: Oh, really?

Elijah: Caroline Forbes? But I barely knew her! I don't think we even had a conversation together!

Rebekah: This cannot happen.

Klaus: No, it won't, because I refuse to let it happen.

Calm down, Klaus, she's engaged to Stefan.

Elijah: Is this over yet?

We're getting there.

Reactions to Delijah (Elijah and Damon Salvatore)

Klaus: Damon Salvatore!? Who would DARE insult my brother's character in this way!?

Elijah: If Damon Salvatore so much as looks at me in a romantic way, I will scream. And then maybe kill him, depending on my mood.

Kol: Seeing Damon Salvatore does not improve anyone's mood.

Rebekah: I am not having him for a brother-in-law.

Freya: I've never met the guy, but I don't like the sound of this.

Finn: Are there any ships that have to do with me?

None that I know of, unless you'd like me to make one up.

Klaus: I hate this entire ship thing! Anyone who likes these ideas are fools! That, or Elijah just can't get a decent girlfriend.

You want me to ship you with Tyler Lockwood or Lucien Castle?

Elijah: Please tell me this is over.

You're done, Elijah. Those are all the ones I know having to do with you, unless you want me to make up one.

Elijah: NO! I'm so confused and disturbed right now, I'm not sure how I feel about anything.

Klaus: Oh, stop being a baby about it. It's not like any of these are actually going to happen.

Klaus, for all you know, you might get paired with Matt Donovan or Tristan de Martel. I wouldn't judge if I were you.

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