Elijah Mikaelson #4

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12th-century Europe

 Things have not been well in your village. All of the crops seem to be failing, and people are dying. Dying or disappearing.

 It doesn't escape anyone's notice that these happenings have seemed to coincide with the arrival of the new lords and lady, relatives of the old lord who had recently died. People are beginning to blame them for all of the bad things that have been happening, and talks of a revolt have occurred. It is true that they are a strange quintet, and are hardly ever seen outside of the castle.

 Eventually, you have had enough, and decide to walk up to the castle yourself. Perhaps someone there will be kind enough to listen to you.


 You bang the knocker on the front doors as hard as you can, so you can be sure you are heard. You continue to do so constantly until you realize the door is being pulled open. Standing before you is a handsome dark-haired ma, quite different from the beasts you were half-expecting.

 "Good day," he says politely. "Are you from the village?"

 You nod. "If I may, I must speak with one of your lords on an important matter."

 "You are speaking to one, miss. I am Lord Elijah. What is the trouble? Perhaps I can help."

 You are a little stunned by his soft speech and kind manner, that you almost forget why you are there. "Lord Elijah, within the last six months, people have been dying and disappearing, and there does not seem to be a reason as to why." 

 You look at his face once you've finished. He does not look surprised or horrified and anything close to them in any way at all.

 "I do not think we should go inside the castle to discuss this," he says, stepping outside. "This is a grave matter, indeed, miss. I apologize for not realizing what horrid things were happening to your people. I promise you, miss, I shall speak of this with my brothers, and I will do what I can. You have my word."

 You nod. "Thank you, Lord Elijah. I hope you will be able to help."

 He nods back to you. "I hope so as well."

 You turn and begin to walk back down the hill. When you turn back, Lord Elijah has gone back into the castle, gone. 

 He was not at all what you were expecting when you went. He was perfectly serious about wanting to help, it seemed. You hope he will be able to come up with something, even if it is only so that you can see him again.


 A/N: I don't know if anyone would be interested, but I've begun a book of multi-fandom imagines for my fandoms besides TVD/TO, if anyone would ever like to check it out.

 I think I mentioned this in an earlier imagine, but if anyone ever wants to make a request for an imagine, there is an earlier part in this book titled 'PART THREE: IMAGINES' where you can.

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