The Mikaelsons React: More Ships

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 Now let's get ships we haven't done yet. You ready.

Everyone: NO.

Klaus: I hate this.

Reactions to Stebekah (Rebekah and Stefan Salvatore)

Rebekah: I suppose I don't mind that one.

Elijah: I don't mind Stefan.

Freya: He seemed nice.

Kol: Word is he's marrying Klaus's girlfriend Caroline.

Klaus: She wasn't my girlfriend.

Reactions to Debekah (Rebekah and Damon Salvatore)

Rebekah: Ew! Damon!?

Klaus: Never! I hate him!

Kol: Everyone hates him.

Elijah: Rebekah, you know I want you to find the right person, but I don't think it's Damon Salvatore.

Finn: I agree with Elijah.

Freya: I guess he's as bad as I'm thinking.

Klaus: He's probably worse. If he ever hits on Rebekah, he can say goodbye to his immortal life.

Reactions to Team Vampire Barbie (Rebekah and Caroline Forbes)

Rebekah: Team Vampire Barbie? Are you serious?

Finn: Who's Barbie?

Kol: That's what I'd like to know.

Elijah: Rebekah-

Rebekah: No, Elijah, I have never slept with Caroline Forbes, nor will I ever.

Klaus: I do not approve of this.

Reactions to Rebekah and Elena Gilbert (Ship name unknown)

Rebekah: I never liked her.

Klaus: Neither did I.

Kol: Her brother killed me.

Elijah: I thought she was all right.

Kol: You're too nice, Elijah.

We've already covered Marbekah and Klebekah-

Klaus: You don't need to remind us!

That's all the Rebekah ships I know of.

Reactions to Konnie, Kennett (Kol and Bonnie Bennett)

Kol: Really? Well, that's...which one was Bonnie?

Rebekah: Dark skin, dark hair, a witch.

Klaus: Another person I hate.

Elijah: I didn't mid her.

Finn: I don't think I remember her.

Well, don't worry about it, because she's dating a guy called Enzo.

Reactions to Kol and Caroline Forbes (Koline?)

Kol: Hmm. She wasn't bad.

Klaus: I will never approve of this.

Elijah: Are there any others we should know about?

Actually, there is the rare Elijah/Stefan Salvatore, which might be called Stelijah.

Elijah: Well, I suppose Stefan wasn't bad, but I don't think I'd fall in love with him.

Rebekah: It's better than Damon.

As for Freya and Finn, we already covered Frucien, and the only Finn ship I know of is him and Sage.

I did write a fanfiction called What If? (I'm not good with titles) that's about Mikael. It entertained the idea of any ways Season 3 may have been different if Klaus hadn't killed Mikael and he was still alive (I also suck at summaries). So, in the story, Mikael has a past with Tristan de Martel.

Mikael: You wrote a story where I had a romance with someone called Tristan?

Klaus: Why are you here, old man? I killed you twice.

Mikael: Finn's here, and he's dead. Still, why?

It's just fanfiction.

Mikael: It's what?

Klaus: Do you hear that, Elijah? All we have to do is destroy fanfiction.

Good grief.

Mikael: I'm not involved in any of this shipping nonsense, am I?

Not usually, although I'm pretty sure I read a story once where you and Elena Gilbert fell in love. And one about you and Bella Swan from Twilight.

Mikael: From what?

You know what? Just read your character page on Fanlore. That's where I've been getting this stuff from.

Mikael: (after reading character page) So, I'm the villain the fans love to hate. What is canon? And there are two things under pairings that are very wrong. One, I am not a rapist of any kind. Two, I would not have sex with any of my children, and I'm sure they feel the same. Also, which one was Elena?

Finn: Please tell me this is over.

Yes, Finn. Now it's over.

Mikael: I think I'm going to go look for this novel where I supposedly fall in love with this Tristan.

Freya: Father, it's online fanfiction. You can't just buy it in your local bookstore.

Klaus: I never want to hear about ships ever again.

As for the 'Mikaelsons React' series, I think sometime I'll do one where they react to vampire movies (But I think we'll probably save Twilight for last since Klaus will probably shoot a missile at the television or something).
And then I think we'll do musical movies.

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