Klaus Mikaelson + Elijah Mikaelson (Part 2)

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 You had gone out for a walk with Elijah, and the two of you return to the compound together in good spirits. When you enter, a table is laid out with what looks to be a feast, and Klaus is sitting at the head.

 "Ah, Y/N, Elijah," he says. "I was hoping you would make an appearance soon. Come join me, will you? Come, both of you. I insist."

 "What's going on, Niklaus?" Elijah asks.

 "Well, I just think we need to talk. All three of us."

 You sit down next to Klaus, and Elijah sits opposite you, on Klaus' left.

 "What important thing do we need to talk about?" you ask, although you think you already know."

 "It's been a few months since you returned to New Orleans," Klaus began, "And I am certainly happy you did. But in those few months, you have been spending quite a lot of time with both me and my brother here. I know you must be aware that you can't date both of us."

 You nod. "Of course I know that."

 "Good, good. So, you know you'll have to choose between us."

 "Niklaus, I don't think-" Elijah begins.

 "Now, Elijah," Klaus says sternly, "Let the lady speak." He turns back to you with a smile. "So, have you decided yet?"

 You look between the two of them, both of them men you care deeply for.

 "I don't...I don't think I can right now," you say, and you get up and leave.

 "Well done, Niklaus," you hear Elijah say. "I told you not to put pressure on her, and you've done just that."

 "I don't remember asking your opinion," Klaus snaps.

 You go to a different to just sit alone for a little while. You're not sure if it's possible to be in love with both of them at once, but you know both of them have feelings for you.

 At some point, Rebekah walks by and sees you. She takes one look at you and asks, "What did my brothers do this time?"

 "That's pretty complicated," you say, "And a pretty long story."

 "Believe me," Rebekah sits down next to you, "I know about long, complicated stories. Now, what's happened?"

 You tell Rebekah everything: how you met each one, how you bonded, how you feel about them and how they feel about you. She seems to be listening such nonjudgmental way that you wonder what kind of romances she's had in the past.

 "I think," she says, "That the best thing would be to follow your heart. Let it lead you in whatever direction you're meant to go. Whether it's with Elijah or Nik or neither of them, it has to be whatever will make you happy."

 You take the time to think about what Rebekah says, and you realize she's right. You try to figure out what it is your heart wants, and eventually you see that choosing either brother will make your heart happy, due to your feelings for them both. Then there is the decision. You can choose Elijah, and have a future with him, or choose Klaus and have a future with him instead.

 Who will you choose?

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