Coming Out About It (Sequel to Hope's First Date)

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 "Mom, Dad," Hope began, "I have something really important I need to tell you." She took a deep breath. "You know I've been out on a few dates lately."
 "You mean the secret boyfriend whose identity you refused to tell me?" Klaus asked.
 "Ignore him, sweetie," Hayley said. "Keep going."
 "Okay." Hope seemed rather nervous. "Well, I know I said I went out with a boy from school. But...I've been going out with a girl. Her name is Laura. She's in a few of my classes at school, and she works at her aunt's café. I've been there a lot, and we got to know each other. When she asked me on a date, I couldn't say no."
 "Well, if you've been dating a young lady this whole time, why did you let us think you had a secret boyfriend?" Klaus asked.
 "Because I didn't know how to tell you. I wasn't sure what you would think, so I let you think I had a boyfriend."
 "Oh, Hope," Hayley pulled her daughter into a hug, "You don't have to be afraid to tell us anything." She looked at her husband. "Right?"
 "Yes, of course." Klaus hugged Hope too. "But I'll be suspicious of her, nonetheless." 
 Hope smiled. "I know. I already invited Laura for dinner tomorrow night, so everyone can meet her."
 "That's great, Hope," Hayley smiled. "I'm glad you told us."
 "So am I. I actually told Uncle Elijah earlier, and he told me I should just tell you the truth. I'm gonna call Laura and tell her."
 When Hope was gone, Klaus cried, "She told Elijah before she told me?"
 "Well, Elijah is usually more reasonable than you are," Hayley pointed out.
 "Perhaps. I don't think I like the name Laura."
 "Klaus, if she was dating a boy called Nathan, you would decide you don't like the name Nathan."

 "So, Laura," Klaus began, "What is your occupation?"
 The red-haired teenager sitting next to Hope stared at him. "Um, I'm in high school."
 "I see. Hope says you work at your aunt's café."
 "I do. Sometimes on weekends, but mostly in the summer."
 "Interesting. And what do your parents do for a living?"
 "Niklaus, are these questions really necessary?" Elijah asked. He gave Laura an apologetic look. "Don't mind him. He's very overprotective and somewhat paranoid."
 "And who is Hope's father?" Klaus asked. "I believe that's me, not you, Elijah."
 "Can the both of you please shut up?" Hope asked, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry about them, Laura."
 "It's okay, I know about family problems," Laura said with a smile. "Your dad doesn't seem that bad."
 "He doesn't?"
 Klaus smiled. "Why, thank you, Laura. Now, what was I saying before Elijah interrupted me?"
 "Um, I think you were asking me some weird questions," Laura said.
 "Ah, yes, now I remember. So, what sort of ancestry would you say you have?"

 After Laura went home, Elijah asked Hope, "Do you feel any better now that you've told your parents?"
 "I think so. I'm glad they liked Laura. She actually thinks you're all kind of nice, even Dad."
 Elijah smiled. "Well, Niklaus can be well-behaved when he wants to be. But I do hope you'll keep in mind that whoever you date, man or woman, they will have to face your father's endless suspicions and interrogations."

 That night, Klaus whispered, "Hayley? Hayley, are you still awake?"
 He heard his wife sigh. "What is it?"
 "Is there anything strange about that Laura person to you? Something suspicious?"
 "No, there wasn't."
 "Are you sure?"
 "Klaus, can you please just go to sleep? You know it's just because Hope is still your little princess as you're concerned."
 "I suppose you're right," Klaus said. "But I think I'll have to have a talk with Elijah about who Hope's father figure is supposed to be."
 Hayley smiled. "You'll never stop being the same paranoid freak, will you?"
 Klaus smiled back. "Of course not, love. I thought you knew that by now."

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