The Wrong House (Hogwarts AU)

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 Esther quietly followed her sister onto the Hogwarts Express. It was her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and, like the rest of her family, she knew was expected to be sorted into Slytherin House.

 "But what if this Sorting Hat says I'm not a Slytherin?" asked her sister.

 "The Sorting Hat always sorts us into Slytherin," Dahlia said. "That's how it's always been. I suppose you'll have to come sit with me and my friends."

 "Well, it's only for this year," Esther pointed out. "I'll make friends with someone during the year, I'm sure." As they walked past the compartments, she spotted an empty one near the back. "Actually, I think I'm going to go sit over there. But I'll see when we get there."

 Her sister shrugged. "Suit yourself."

 Esther slipped into the compartment and sighed as she sat down. At least it was quiet in here. She hadn't really wanted to sir with her sister, anyway.

 From outside the compartment, she heard a meowing, and someone saying, "I know, Willoughby, but it isn't that long."

 Out of curiosity, Esther opened the compartment door. Outside was a small, blond boy holding a gray shaggy cat who looked extremely grumpy. The boy was wearing a Hogwarts robe with a Slytherin badge emblazoned on it.

 "So, you're in Slytherin, too?" she asked.

 The boy nodded. "Are you?"

 "I don't know yet. This is only my first year. I'm Esther."

 "Oh. I'm Mikael."

 "And this is your cat...Willoughby?" Esther asked.

 "Yes. He can be very grumpy when he feels like it, and it's a real bother. Do you know if there's any empty compartments left? I'd really rather not sit with my classmates."

 "I don't think so, but you can sit in here with me if you want."

 Mikael smiled. "Really? Well, thanks, then. So, do you think you're going to end up in Slytherin?"

 "Probably. My sister Dahlia is, and it seems like the rest of my family is, too."

 Mikael's eyes widened. "Dahlia's your sister?"

 "Do you know her?"

 "We're both second-years now, and I certainly don't look forward to seeing any of my classmates. I'm the always the one getting teased, and none of them even like Willoughby, even though he's perfectly decent."

 "That's terrible, then," Esther said. "Are all Slytherins like that?"

 "I don't think so. Just my classmates, it seems. There are a lot of Slytherins in my family, but my dad told me that despite its dark reputation, some good wizards have come out of Slytherin. It's just that a lot of Slytherins are very ambitious, and all the ambition probably makes them become all dark and evil."

 "What about you?" Esther asked.

 Mikael shook his head. "I don't think I could be a dark wizard like that. I would like to at the Ministry someday, like my dad. You don't seem like a typical Slytherin yourself. Are you sure you're thinking of the right house?"

 She nodded. "I've been told about this for a long time."


 Esther nervously walked up to the stool where, when she sat down, the Sorting Hat was gently placed on her head. After about fifteen seconds of musing, the Sorting Hat shouted out, "RAVENCLAW!"

 There were a few cheers and some clapping from the Ravenclaw table, but Esther was shocked. As she made her way to the Ravenclaw table, she glanced at the Slytherin table, where Dahlia sat looking even more shocked than Esther felt.

 Through dinner, Esther tried to catch sight of Dahlia, but her sister wouldn't look in her direction. She knew Mikael was at the table somewhere, but she couldn't see him anywhere.

 As the students made their way to the Ravenclaw common room that night, Esther couldn't help wondering one question: what the hell was she supposed to tell her parents?


 The next morning, Esther quietly made her way down the staircases to the Great Hall. When she got to the entrance hall, she saw Mikael standing outside the doors to the Great Hall.

 "There you are," he said. "I've been waiting for you. That must have been a real nasty shock last night. Is the Ravenclaw common room nice? It must be better than sleeping in the dungeons."

 "I suppose so," Esther said. "But I don't know what to do now. Far as I know, my whole family is in Slytherin. What are my parents are going to think?"

 "Well, don't you know anything about Ravenclaw?" Mikael asked. "Ravenclaw are usually intelligent and creative. They value knowledge, and are always ready to learn something new."

 "I...guess that sounds a little like me."

 "See? Your parents probably won't be very happy about it, but if you're the only Ravenclaw in your family, that means you're unique."

 Esther smiled. "I guess you've got a point there. It's too bad we can't sit together at meals."

 "Well, we could still be friends, anyway," Mikael said. "I don't seem to be making any friends in my own house, so I may as well starting making friends in other houses."

 "Yes, you may as well," Esther agreed. "How did you that stuff about Ravenclaws?"

 "My dad was a Ravenclaw. He's brilliant. That's how he got an important job at the Ministry. Well, good luck being a Ravenclaw. I'll see you back here after classes."

 Esther watched him enter the Great Hall and walk to the Slytherin table, and she in turn headed for the Ravenclaw table.

 The Sorting Hat had spoken, and she would just have to adjust. But at least she had a friend now.

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