The Mikaelsons React: The List

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  So, some time ago I read an article on titled '30 Best 'The Vampire Diaries' Characters to Ever Grace Our Screens'. Or something like that. I thought it would be fun to see what the Mikaelsons think of it.

Klaus: I better at least be in the top five.

Oh, calm down, Klaus, it's not the end of world if you don't get the number one spot. Luckily, I wrote them all down so I wouldn't forget them.

#30: Valerie Tulle

#29: Qetsiyah

Kol: That's a name?

Shut up, Kol.

#28: Rayna Cruz

#27: Silas

#26: Tyler Lockwood

Klaus: How did he get onto the list?

Finn: Perhaps he is a good human being with actual feelings.

Klaus: What are you trying to say?

#25: Anna

#24: Rose

Klaus: Elijah, did we ever know anyone named Rose?

Elijah: Yes. She and her friend Trevor helped Katerina escape from your evil schemes.

Klaus: Oh. That's probably why I hate the name Rose. And Trevor.

#23: Markos

Freya: Who was that?

Some evil dude who tried to take over Mystic Falls.

Finn: I thought that was what Klaus was trying to do.

So did I.

#22: Esther Mikaelson

Esther: I'm on the list?

Mikael: Now, just a minute! I think my wife deserves to be higher than that.

Esther: It's all right, Mikael.

Klaus: Why are either of you here? You're both annoying.

Kol: Am I on the list?

#21: Emily Bennett

#20: Carol Lockwood

Klaus: I think I killed her.

Finn: Thank you for sharing that with us.

#19: Bonnie Bennett

#18: Human Elena Gilbert

Rebekah: What does that mean?

Well, it was kinda like Elena was two different people when-

Rebekah: So she gets two spots and the rest of us only get one?

Kol: I'm still waiting to hear my name.

#17: John Gilbert

#16: Liz Forbes

#15: Jenna Sommers

Klaus: I killed her, too.

Freya: You know, you really don't have to tell us these things.

#14: Shelia Bennett

#13: Vampire Elena Gilbert

Klaus: I agree with Rebekah, that isn't fair.

Dude, I didn't write the list. Lodge your complaints elsewhere.

#12: Enzo St. John

#11: Alaric Saltzman

#10: Caroline Forbes

Klaus: I think Caroline should be a little higher than that.

Rebekah: Why?

#9: Rebekah Mikaelson

Rebekah: Well, I suppose that's a good spot.

Freya: You're the top ten. That's great.

#8: Mikael Mikaelson

Mikael: Me?

Klaus: How is he on the list at all, let alone the top ten!?

Mikael: Then I must be just as good as you, Niklaus.

Finn: Don't you mean just as bad? If you're just as good as him, then you would be like him. Think about it, Father.

Mikael: (thinks it over) I take back what I said.

#7 Kai Parker

Kol: Who was that?

From what I remember, some evil wizard dude who cursed Elena and Bonnie. But he's dead now, so who cares?

#6: Klaus Mikaelson

Klaus: I'm only number six!? NUMBER SIX!?

Elijah: It would seem you just destroyed his ego.

Klaus: Tell me the top five! I DEMAND to know who is supposedly better than me!

#5: Damon Salvatore

Klaus: DAMON SALVATORE!? Damon Salvatore is one spot ahead of me!?

Rebekah: Why is Damon on the list at all?

Freya: Is he that jerk you guys mentioned?

Elijah: Yes, I think so.

Well, I have the feeling Damon's going to die before the show ends, so everyone just calm down.

#4: Lexi Branson

Klaus: I don't even know who that is!

She died in the first season, so I don't think you would.

#3: Stefan Salvatore

Rebekah: That I can understand.

Elijah: Yes, I think Stefan earned that spot.

Klaus: What, and I haven't earned a high spot?

Well, you did make Stefan your evil slave when you were making your hybrid army to take over the world or whatever. How many good points did you think that would get you?

#2: Katherine Pierce

Klaus: Her, too? No one liked her! All the women like me. And what was so great about her, anyway?

I think I like Katherine more than you. And you must have quite the ego if you think you're a favorite of every single fan.

#1: Elijah Mikaelson

Elijah: I'm number one?

Klaus: Elijah is number one? And I'm number six!?

Freya: That's great, Elijah!

Rebekah: You've earned it.

Klaus: Does everyone besides me agree with this?!

Mikael: Well, I am starting to think Elijah is my only normal son.

Elijah: Um, thanks, Father.

There it is, people. Most of the Mikaelsons got a place on this list.

Kol: I didn't!

Freya does not appear because she was never on TVD, and Kol and Finn didn't make the cut.

And this would probably be a good place to end before Klaus destroys the Internet.

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