Katherine Pierce #4

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 The world around you comes into focus as you open your eyes. You look at your hands, seeing you're not desiccated anymore, and that you can actually move. Someone must have undaggered you.

 "Finally. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?"

 You turn to the voice, already recognizing it. "Katherine?"

 Katherine Pierce smiles at you. "Hello, Y/N. Long time, no see."

 "Well, I have been daggered for...how long has it been?"

 "Months. I've been trying to find you all that time. Klaus hid you pretty good, the bastard."

 You look around the room. "Klaus isn't anywhere around, is he?"

 She scoffs. "Of course not. If he were, I wouldn't be here, would I?"

 "Good point." You stand up, trying to get the stiffness of your body. "So, you saved me from Klaus Mikaelson. Now what do we do?" 

 "Obviously," Katherine said, "The first step would be to get out of here. Step two would be to get as far away from Klaus as possible."

 You nod. "Good plan. But, Katherine, I have to ask: why did you come all this way just to find me, wherever I was?"

 She shrugs. "Maybe I'm just fond of you. Come on, let's get going."

 "Wait a minute," you say. "Katherine, you didn't even like me that much, so this doesn't really make sense."

 "How do you know I didn't like you much?"

 "Because you barely ever paid me any attention, and you never listened to my ideas."

 "How do you know I didn't?" she snaps. "Maybe I was listening to you, and just didn't notice."

 "Were you?" you ask. "You just pretended not to notice me or anything I was actually saying?" 

 There is a moment of silence before Katherine says, "I do like you, and I do notice you. Did you seriously think I would hang out with you so much if I didn't like you? Not too many people actually like me, which is why I was surprised you that you did."

 This Katherine you're listening to right now seems so different from the Katherine you used to hang out with. She hardly ever talked about her feelings, but here she is now, telling you how she feels about you.

 "Katherine," you say, "I've always felt kind of the same about you."

 She smiles and pulls you into a kiss, which you gladly return. You can't say it's something you haven't thought about before.

 "I'll keep you safe," you tell her. "I won't let Klaus get to you."

 "Y/N, you know I don't need someone to protect me."

 You sigh. "Fine. How about we protect each other from Klaus? He might be coming after me, too."

 She nods. "I like the sound of that. Now, come on, you, let's get out of here already. We don't want Klaus to find us before our new adventures even start."

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