The Hunter and Jack the Ripper

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 Jack the Ripper had to be a vampire. Mikael suspected it, was almost certain of it. He just had to find the killer. It took many nights of roaming the dark streets of London, more than he would have liked, to finally catch the Ripper. 
 And Mikael was not surprised in the least to find the killer came in the form of a vampire. 

 "And what did that woman do that you went and murdered her?" he asked, gesturing to the body on the ground. 

 The killer turned around to face him. "Well, there doesn't have to be a reason, does there? Just has to be a desire to kill somebody." 
 This vampire was young, Mikael realized. Young and so clearly stupid. 

 "Do you realize you have put this entire city into a panic?" Mikael demanded. "People are waiting for the police to catch a murderer." 
 "That's their problem, though, isn't it? So, who are you, then? Why are you out here hunting for the Ripper?" 
 "Because I knew it had to be a vampire. I have been looking for someone else, but I thought I would look for you first. I suppose you can call me Mikael. Will you tell me your name?" 
 The killer sighed. "It's Stefan. So, you found me. Now, go away." He paused. "Unless you would like to join me for a victory drink, that is." 
 "And why would I want to do that?" Mikael asked. 
 "Because we both have something to celebrate now. I just enjoyed a meal, and you found what you were looking for." He smiled. "Oh, come on. You look like you need one. I know a place that's open this time of the night." 
 Though he knew he shouldn't, Mikael followed Stefan down the street. In his mind, he was putting together what he knew about this Stefan so far. He could not have been much older than seventeen or eighteen when he became a vampire. He was American, had a pair of eyes that seemed to be indecisive between having cold light and being filled with warmth, was possibly insane and a complete fool if he thought this killing spree of his was a good idea. 

 But, surely one drink couldn't hurt. 


 "So, Mikael, what's your story?" Stefan asked. "What are you doing in London?"

 "My story?" Mikael repeated. "I am probably just as mad you are. And I am looking for someone." 

 "Really?" Stefan leaned closer. "Looking for who?" 

 "An enemy. Have you, by chance, heard the name Klaus Mikaelson?" 
 "Klaus Mikaelson." Stefan drew it out slowly. "Never heard of him. You might be looking in the wrong place, old man." 

 After that, Stefan began to talk about himself; his life, his family, how he became a vampire. He drank a lot during it, and eventually his words were all slurred together. Mikael was hardly listening anyway, so it didn't matter to him. 

 Mikael was hungry. He'd sworn he wouldn't drink human blood, and this was the first time he had encountered another vampire in days. Here was a young, stupid and drunk vampire he could easily feed off of.
 Eventually, Stefan's story came to an end. 
 "Now, are you going to tell me yours?" His speech was so slurred Mikael almost couldn't understand a word. 
 "No. I will not. I actually have a better idea." Mikael grabbed Stefan by the shoulders. "You and I are going to go upstairs and have an enjoyable little night together. When you wake up tomorrow morning, I will be gone, and you will have forgotten about me. You will not remember me, our encounter, and anything about tonight besides the murder. 

 "After this, you will have one more murder, and it will be the worst of them. And after that, Jack the Ripper will disappear from this city." Mikael gave him a smile. "Now, let's go, shall we?" 

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