Goodbyes (Stelijah)

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 Stefan knew he couldn't stay in New Orleans any longer. The huntress was onto him, and he had to get back on the road. He had helped to save Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson from whatever mess they'd gotten themselves into this time, even though he hadn't expected to see the Mikaelsons again. This time he was sure he wouldn't.
 "Are you leaving so soon?"
 Stefan turned around. "Elijah. Um, yeah. I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay much longer."
 "Because of the mark of the huntress? Freya told me about it. I don't think I have heard ever even heard of this huntress."
 "I guess she likes to keep a good profile. Her sister Freya is actually pretty impressive. I saw her snap your friend Lucien's neck with her magic."
 Elijah smiled. "Did she? I think I definitely would have liked to see that. And Lucien is certainly not my friend."
 There was an uncertain pause, as neither one was quite sure what to say.
 "Is there a way to stop this huntress?" Elijah asked. 
 Stefan shrugged. "I don't know. For now, I'm just gonna have to keep running."
 Elijah nodded. "I understand. I was on the run from a hunter once, you know. Hey, Stefan? If you do ever break free from that mark, you should come visit. Freya and I would welcome you, and I don't think Niklaus would mind." 
 Stefan smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that. But for now, I, um, I really should go. Bye, Elijah."
 "Goodbye, Stefan."
 Elijah watched as Stefan left, and found himself hoping Stefan would live to come for a visit someday.

Oh my God. Elijah and Stefan are so cute.

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