Hayley Marshall + Rebekah Mikaelson

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 Both Hayley and Rebekah have been flirting with you. That much you've been able to figure out. You're friends with both of them, and you hadn't thought either one of them liked you that much. But when you're talking to either one of them, you somehow get the feeling they're trying to flirt with you. It's actually kind of obvious they are.

 You like them both, and you think you would be happy dating either. But the problem with that is you have to choose one. Which one of them you would rather date, you have no idea. Eventually, you come up with an idea: you really want to go on a date with Hayley, and see how things work out. So, you talk to both women and text a friend of yours, and set up a double date.

 If you'd known then how badly the double date would go, you never would have set it in motion.


 "Hello?" you call as you step into the Mikaelson compound. "Anyone here?"

 "Well, well." Elijah appears next to you. "Y/N. What are you doing here this late? Not any emergencies?"

 "Um, I guess it's could be considered an emergency," you answer. "Do you know if Rebekah's here?"

 "I'm assuming she was. Freya told me she came storming in here about a half hour ago. Something about a horrific double date."

 You sigh. "Yeah. I know what she meant. Can I talk to her?"

 He narrows his eyes at you. "Up the stairs. Do you know which room is hers?"

 You nod. "I think so."

 You head up the stairs and knock on the door you're pretty sure is Rebekah's.

 "What?" you hear from inside.

 "Rebekah, it's me," you say. "Your brother said it was okay for me to come up. I'm really sorry tonight went so badly."

 You wait before saying anything else. Rebekah opens the door, still dressed in her clothes from the date.

 "You must have run into Elijah if he said it was all right for you to come up," she says. "Nik would have given you an hour-long interrogation if I'd told him. Lucky for you, I didn't. Now, what do you want?"

 "I just told you, I'm here to apologize. I know it didn't go as well as I'd hoped it would-"

 She scoffs. "Of course it didn't. Your friend kept trying to hold my hand and then tried to kiss me halfway through the movie. I don't think I even got his last name! And his breath was horrible. And who goes to see a movie with a bunch of guns and explosions for a first date?"

 You think about answering, "People who like those kind of movies," but then decide that would probably be a bad idea.

 "And then you and Hayley got into that terrible argument," she goes on. "I'm assuming that put a damper on things as well."

 You wince. "Well, you don't have to put it like that. I don't think it was a good idea to ask Hayley on a date. I thought about on my way here, and I think she and I are better off as friends. I'll talk to her tomorrow morning." 

 "Well, you do that," she says, and begins to close the door.

 "Wait." You reach out to hold the door open. "I want to make it up to you. Will you let me take you out for dinner this weekend? No explosions, no arguments, just the two of us. What do you say?"

 She gives you a long stare before saying, "Fine. How about Saturday evening?"

 You nod. "That's perfect. I'll see you then."


 You head to the compound on Saturday evening to meet up with Rebekah, and the two of you walk together to a nearby restaurant. Your dinner together is actually pleasant, and there are no problems whatsoever.

 "I must say, Y/N," Rebekah says as the two of you leave the restaurant later on, "Perhaps I was wrong in judging you over that double date. You're actually not so terrible after all."

 You smile. "Thanks, I think. So, what now?"

 "Why don't you come to the compound? Actually, don't. I have too many nosy siblings. Let's spend some time at your place instead."

 "Well, my place isn't so fancy compared to yours," you say, "But if you say so." And you go to look for a cab.

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