The Mikaelsons React: What's Known About Season 5

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 In the time since Season 4 concluded, fans of 'The Originals' have gotten some information as to Season 5.

 Klaus: And I am ready this time! I will end the Hollow once and for all, and reign New Orleans once again!

 I think you're a little ahead of yourself, Klaus.

 Freya: Well, we're ready this time. We're all gonna get back together this time around, I just know it.

 Kol: I don't know, guys. I kind of just wanted to go live happily ever after with Davina.

 Rebekah: Oh, get in the spirit, Kol! Things will be better this time around.

 Elijah: If I'm going to be fixed, then I'll say it will be a good season.

 Well, you all seem pretty happy, despite the announcement.

 Freya: What announcement?

 Klaus: Has something happened to my show? 

 Oh. You don't know yet, do you? 

 Hayley: I'm here. What happened?

 Klaus: Something has been announced concerning our show, and no one will tell me what!

 Season 5 is going to be the last season of 'The Originals'. Your show is ending.


 Kol: What?

 Freya: We're getting cancelled?

 Pretty much.

 (More silence)

 Hayley: this the part where we all start panicking or something?

 Elijah: I don't think this is a good time to panic. 

 Rebekah: This is the perfect time to panic! Our show is getting cancelled!

 Hayley: Those jerks! How can they just cancel us like that?

 Freya: Klaus, are you okay?

 Kol: I don't know, I think there's something wrong with him.

 Hayley: I think he's frozen. Klaus?

 Klaus: Stop. Touching. Me. All of you!

 Elijah: (gently) Niklaus? Are you all right?

 Klaus: No. No, I am not. (takes deep breath)

 One long, terrifying Klaus rant later...

 Kol: Nik, I think that's being a little too harsh.

 Klaus: Shut up, Kol! What do you know? You're barely even on the show!

 Freya: Klaus, this news doesn't give you a reason to yell at Kol.

 Elijah: Freya, I would be careful with what you say to him for the next few years. And, Niklus, I know what you're thinking, so no, killing the producers will not do any good.

 Klaus: Oh, none of you are any fun.

 Maybe we should move to what will happen in the season.

 Freya: That would be a very good idea.

 First off, there actually is going to be another time jump. 

 Hope: That's where I come in!

 Klaus: Who are you? 

 Hope: Dad, it's me, Hope. I'm a teenager now.

 Klaus: A teenager!? You were seven two months ago! Why are you doing these things to me, universe!?

 Hope: Mom, is Dad okay?

 Hayley: Honey, I don't think your father has ever been okay.

 Klaus: Oh, shut up, Hayley! What do you know?

 Hayley: I know a guy who's gonna have a broken jaw if he doesn't shut up. 

 On another note, Caroline Forbes will be making an appearance. 

 Klaus: Well, I suppose I don't mind if Caroline appears on my show. If anyone else, I think I would mind. I never liked those Mystic Falls punks. 

 Elijah: Am I going to be myself again? Please tell me something happens that I become my old self again, because I was ruined in the last season!

 Okay, first off, I think you need to calm down. Second, they probably will turn you back into your usual Elijah self.

 Another interesting thing: apparently, Hayley is going to have a new boyfriend.

 Hayley: What? 

 Klaus: Oh, really? Who is this new man of yours, Hayley, and is he any kind of danger to our daughter?

 Hayley: I don't even know who the guy is!

 And I also read that Hayley might get killed off.

 Hayley: I'm sorry, can you repeat that?

 Hope: They can't kill my mom!

 Klaus: As Hayley is the mother of my daughter, I'm afraid I can't agree with this action.

 Hayley: Gee, thanks.

 Rebekah: Are Marcel and I even mentioned? 

 Yes, Rebekah, you're mentioned. From what I read, the two of you are going to be living happily in New York- 

 Rebekah: Of course we are.

 -and then something will happen that's going to bring everyone back New Orleans.

 Rebekah: Figures. 

 Freya: Given the fact that we're the Mikaelsons and everything that happens on the show, it will probably be something very dark. And possibly bloody.

 Klaus: Why would they end my show? How could they do this me? I'm Klaus Mikaelson!

 Elijah: Well, you have threatened the producers and the writers multi-

 Klaus: (shushing him) I told not to tell anyone about those incidents!

 Hope: You've been threatening the writers and the producers?

 Klaus: Of course not, darling. Elijah, why would say such things about me?

 Freya: I hope we get a good ending.

 Hope: But it's really the end, is it? You guys are the Mikaelsons. Your legend is going to live on forever.

 Klaus: I suppose you're right. Thank you, Hope, you're making me feel a little better.

 Finn, do you have any thoughts? 

 Finn: Don't drag me into this, please. All I want is a quiet, peaceful afterlife.

 Well, they dug up a bunch of dead people for the end of 'The Vampire Diaries', so we'll probably have a few ghosts appearing.

 Klaus: If I have to look at Lucien Castle's and/or Tristan de Martel's stupid faces again-

 Mikael: Does that mean I can finally have a real moment in the spotlight?

 Klaus: Do you ever give it a rest? No one cares about your sob stories!

 Mikael: But everyone cares about yours?

 Klaus: Of course they do. I'm the star. And if you are slated to make an appearance, I'm going to ask that you be cut out.

 Esther: Mikael, maybe you should give it a rest. Everyone already knows all the hardships you went through to kill Niklaus and get revenge for the both of us. Maybe that's enough.

 Mikael: Oh, fine. I'll give it a rest. For now.

 Klaus: Wait a minute! When I said it, you ignored it, but when Mother says the exact same thing, then you listen?

 Henrik: Can I be on the show? It's not really fun being dead. 

 Well, since you are the only Mikaelson who's never actually been on the show, maybe you can.

 Hayley: I know it won't be fun if I die.

 It's going to be a while before season 5 gets here, so we should probably just wait and see.

 Klaus: No threatening?


 Klaus: Oh, you people are no fun.

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