Getting to Hogwarts (Hogwarts AU)

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 Young Camille O'Connell looked around Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. The platform was packed with students, new and old, getting on the train to school. Looking around now, Cami still wasn't sure if she belonged here. She probably wouldn't even be here if one of the other families there hadn't shown her how to get to the platform.

 After a quick goodbye to her parents, Cami got onto the train and looked around at everyone. Most of these other children seemed to already know each other, and were getting compartments together. She didn't know anyone.

 "You're the girl from the station, aren't you? The one who was looking for Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?"

 Cami recognized the boy as one of the children from the family who had kindly showed her the way back at the station. "I think so. I'm Camille, but everyone calls me Cami." 

 "That's funny," he said. "I'm Niklaus, but everyone calls me Klaus. Well, that's really because I tell them to. It's nice to meet you, Cami."

 "Niklaus?" An older boy came over that Cami also recognized. He was already in his school uniform, with a Ravenclaw crest emblazoned on his robes. "Will you all right? You can come sit with me, you know."

 "Yes, so you've said. Don't worry, I've already made a friend. This is Cami, the girl Mum and Dad were speaking to at the station. Cami, this is my brother Elijah. You don't have to mind him. Now, run along, big brother. You must have important school things to do."

 Elijah gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine. I'll see you when we get to school." 

 Cami followed Klaus along the train until they found an empty compartment. 

 "Don't worry about Elijah," Klaus said. "He thinks just because he's in Ravenclaw with all the smart kids that he knows everything. My other older brother Finn is like that, too, but he's in his last year now, thankfully."

 "Is that where the smart kids go?" Cami asked. "Somewhere called Ravenclaw?"

 Before Klaus could answer, there was a knock on the compartment door, and two kids who also looked to be first-years were standing in the corridor.

 "Is all right if we sit in here with you?" the girl asked. "Everywhere else is full."

 "Sure," Cami said. "I'm Cami, and that's Klaus. Are you first years, too?" 

 The girl nodded. "I'm Hayley, and that's Jackson," she said, gesturing to the boy, who nodded in greeting.

 "Good," Klaus said. "Now I can tell you all about the Hogwarts houses. But this is what my dad told me, and he's a bit of a loony, so I don't know how accurate this actually is." He cleared his throat. "There are four houses at Hogwarts; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The students of each house all have similar traits that get themselves put in their respective house.
 "Gryffindors are known for being brave, courageous, and daring, but the downside is that they can be reckless sometimes. Hufflepuffs are caring, patient, and loyal. But they're not softies; they'll stand up for whatever they think is right. I know because my older sister Freya got into Hufflepuff. She's caring and kind, but she's certainly not soft. They've also produced the least amount of dark wizards, according to research.

 "Ravenclaws are known for being intelligent and creative. That's why my brother Finn seems to think he's smarter than the rest of us. But my mum was Ravenclaw, too. She is very smart, but she's a nice lady, too. Slytherins are known for their cunning, ambitiousness, and resourcefulness. Because Slytherin has produced the most dark wizards, everyone seems to them labeled as rotten kids, but my dad says that's not true."

 "So, Slytherin isn't just for all the bad kids?" Jackson asked.

 "Of course not. My dad was in Slytherin, so I guess he would know. But there's plenty of shady figures in all four houses."

 "I think I might be a Gryffindor," Hayley said. "My mother said so, but back then I didn't know what she meant."

 "What house do you think you might be in?" Klaus asked Cami.

 She shrugged. "I don't know. They all sound great."

 "I suppose so. Before I left, my dad said that 'after observing my behavior', he thinks I might have what it takes to be a Slytherin. He said they sleep down in the dungeons, though, and it was pretty dark and dreary down there."

 "I would have to sleep in a dungeon?" Jackson asked, sounding alarmed.

 Klaus looked him over. "You don't seem like a Slytherin, so I don't think you have much to worry about. So, who's excited besides me?"


 Cami was amazed by how grand Hogwarts Castle was. It actually excited her to think this would be her school for the next seven years.

 On arriving, she realized they were to be sorted using a hat, one that apparently talked. She watched, amazed, as all the first-years stepped forward  to be sorted.

 "Kenner, Jackson!" 

 Jackson stepped up, looking very nervous. After a lot of thinking, the Sorting Hat cried, "Gryffindor!", and a cheer rose up from the Gryffindor table.

 Not long after, they heard, "Marshall, Hayley!"

 Hayley exhaled deeply and stepped up. For her, it did not take long for the Sorting Hat to cry, "Gryffindor!" Hayley smiled and went to sit with Jackson.

 A few students later, Klaus was called. He whispered, "Good luck," to Cami before stepping up to let the Sorting Hat be put on his head.

 "Ah! Another Mikaelson, eh?" it said. "Hmm...for you, it had better be Slytherin!"

 A cheer rose up from the Slytherin table as their newest member came over.

 Soon, Cami heard her own name, and she nervously walked up to the Sorting Hat. After a lot of 'hmm' and 'yes', it finally cried, "Hufflepuff!"

 Cami smiled, and went to the Hufflepuff table, knowing she'd probably be with a good group.

 But all during dinner, she kept glancing over at Klaus, who actually looked a little lonely where he was. She wished they could have ended up in the same house. 


 As everyone was leaving the Great Hall after supper, Cami felt someone brush up against her. She turned to see who it was, and saw it was Klaus. He smiled and winked, and said, "See you around the castle, Cami."

 Later, as she was getting ready for bed in the dormitories, she found a crumpled piece of paper in her robes that she didn't remember putting there. But after reading it, she realized it had to be from Klaus. 

 Just because we're in different houses doesn't mean we can't be friends.

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