Hayley Marshall #2

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 You knock on the door to Hayley's new place, hoping she'll be home.

 She opens the door and smiles when she sees you. "Y/N." She pulls you into a hug. "It's been months."

 "I know." You hug her back. "I missed you, Hayley. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about that curse you and that you were under it for so long. If I could have done something, I could have."

 "Thank you, Y/N. Things are a little better now. Jackson and I have Hope, and we will be keeping her away from Klaus. Why don't you come in and see her?"

 "Sure." You step inside and follow her up the stairs. Jackson is there.

 "Hey, Y/N," he says when he sees you. "How have you been?"

 "I've been good," you say and smile back. "It's nice to see you in human form."

 He nods. "Good to be back in human form."

 "Here she is." Hayley is carrying Hope. "She has been prefect."

 "Hi there, Hope." You gently take her little hand in yours. Somehow, this all feels sort of uncomfortable with Jackson there.

 "Um, I just wanted to come check up on you guys," you say. "I don't have much time today."

 "Well, let me walk you out." Hayley hands Hope to Jackson and walks back down the stairs with you.

 "I'm glad you came by, Y/N," she says. "Of everybody I missed while I was stuck out in the bayou, you were definitely one of the people I missed the most."

 "That's nice to hear," you say. "See you, Hayley."

 She's happy now, you can see. She has her husband and her daughter. You can't help being jealous, even though you know you should be happy for her. She is your friend after all.

 Maybe she'll need a friend in the future. If friendship is the best you can get, you'll go for it.

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