To Love the Beast (or Hayley #1)

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 You had come to New Orleans from France, hoping to get a fresh start on life. It was there you met the woman you would fall for: Hayley Marshall.

 You met in the park one day, a few weeks after you arrived in New Orleans. Hayley was with her young daughter Hope, who had recently begun walking. You didn't know much about children, but you thought she was cute and said hello.

 But when you locked eyes with her mother, you felt a spark, an instant connection.

 "Um, hi," she said. "I'm Hayley. Um, that's Hope."

 "I'm Y/N," you said. You smiled down at little Hope. "It's nice to meet you."

 You and Hayley started chatting, and you ended up becoming friends. It felt good to have one those. The two of you began to hang out a lot, and you even babysat for Hope a few times whenever Hayley would go to help out Hope's father and his family with problems, but you hadn't met them yourself.

 "Hope's family, they're...they're not normal," she said once, and you thought it might be better not to ask what she meant.

 After some time, you began to realize you had feelings for Hayley. However, you said nothing to her about it. You enjoyed your friendship, and you would never do anything to endanger it.

 Which was also why you couldn't tell her the other truth: that you weren't entirely human.


 You wake up on a sofa in a room you've never been in before.

 "Been waiting for you to wake up." 

 You turn to see Hayley standing by the window, arms crossed, watching you.

 "Where are we?" you ask.

 "At...a friend's. But that doesn't matter right now. I saw you attacking those people tonight, Y/N. And that...thing you turned into. You're some kind of werewolf, aren't you?"

 You slowly nod. "Like that, yeah. Have you ever heard of the Beast of Gevaudan?"

 Hayley shakes her head. "No. What is that?"

 "A wolf creature that terrorized the province of Gevaudan in France in the 18th century."

 "And you're one of those?"

 "I am the Beast of Gevaudan, Hayley," you say. "I came here to get away from all that and start over. That's what I've been trying to do."

 "But you don't have to be ashamed of that, Y/N." Hayley sits down next to you on the sofa. "I know all about the supernatural world. I was a werewolf before I had Hope. I'm a hybrid now."

 "You were a werewolf?" You were shocked. How could you not have realized it?

 Because you had been to focused on Hayley's beauty and that fighting spirit you had come to admire that you had never thought about whether you were falling in love with a fellow wolf.

 "I was a werewolf," Hayley says. "You remember when I said Hope's family isn't normal? Well, they're a group of vampires with a long, terrible history. So you're not alone." She places her hand on your shoulder. "I know all about the ups  and downs of being supernatural. You don't have many friends, do you?"

 You shake your head. "I don't have any friends besides you."

 "Well, I'm here for you."

 You look at each other uncertainly for a moment. Then you say at the same time, "There's something I should tell you."

 "Um, you first," you say.

 "Okay." Hayley takes a deep breath. "Is it weird that I think I like you way more than I should?"

 Your heart skips a beat, and you shake your head. "No, definitely not. I like you a lot, too."

 Hayley nodded. "Yeah. I do."

 You just stare at each other for a long second. Then you kiss her, something you've been longing to do but thought you would never get the chance.

 You kiss for what feels for forever, yet doesn't seem long enough.

 "You still haven't told me where we are," you realize.
 "Oh. Um, this is the compound, where Hope's family lives. I promised Klaus extra time with Hope if he'd leave us alone for a little while."

 You smile. "Then let's not waste it."

 You and Hayley kiss again, and you can't remember a time in your life where you were happier than you are now.

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