Freya Mikaelson #5

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 You sometimes head over to Rousseau's in the evening, to have a drink and relax and maybe chat with Cami if she's not too busy. On one of those evenings, you're surprised to see your friend Freya Mikaelson sitting at a table in the corner, drinking alone.

 "Is she okay?" you ask Cami.

 She shrugs. "I'm not sure, honestly. She's been sitting back there for a while now. I think she wanted to be left alone."

 Now, you have never been very good at following rules and instructions, plus Freya is your friend, so you feel the need to go over there and talk to her.

 You get your drink and walk over to the corner. "You mind if I join you?" 

 Freya shrugs. "I guess so."

 "I'm not used to seeing you so down."

 She shrugs. "Guess it's just one of those days." She gets up. "I'm getting another drink."

 "You look like you've already had a few," you point out.

 "Well, I need another one."

 You have never seen Freya like this before, so you know something must be wrong. You first thought is that Klaus did something, but she knows how to handle him. The next thing you think of is romance problems. That's something that could make a person want to get drunk.

 "Did you have a bad breakup?" you ask Freya when she comes back.

 "Why would you ask me that?"

 You shrug. "I don't know. I thought it could be a reason you would be drinking so much. That or Klaus."

 She smiles a little at that. "Yeah. Well, I can handle my brother. He's as bright as he thinks he is, honestly. But, yeah, there was someone. And it didn't work out in the end." She finishes her drink and gets up.

 "You're not getting another one, are you?" you ask.

 "No, no. I think I just want to go home."

 "I don't think you should be walking home alone like that," you say. "Let me walk home with you."

 "You sure about that? I'm not good company right now."

 "I know. But I want to."

 As you walk towards the compound, you say, "So, this breakup."

 "I wouldn't exactly call it that," she says. "I'm not sure if we were actually dating. But we always liked each other. And then we realized we weren't going to work out after all."

 "Oh. Gee, I'm sorry, Freya," you say.

 "Don't be. I can move on now, find someone I can make it work with."

 When you arrive at the compound, you ask her, "You going to be okay from here?"

 "Yeah, I'm fine." She pulls you into a hug. "Thanks, Y/N. I really didn't want to walk home alone."

 When she pulls out of the hug, her cheek brushes against yours, and your lips come close together. She looks at you, and then pulls you into a kiss. Her lips taste like liquor, and she reeks of it, but you like it, anyway.

 When she pulls away, she says, "I would consider inviting you in, but my brothers are inside, and they might try to rip your head off or something." 

 You nod. "I can understand that. I'll, um, see you tomorrow."

 "Yeah. Goodnight."

 "Goodnight," you say as she walks into the compound. 

 That was unexpected, you think as walk away. But she was kind of drunk, so that's probably why she kissed you. Or maybe she likes you. No, it's more likely that she was just drunk.

 You stop and look back at the compound, wondering if she's thinking about you. You'll go check up on her tomorrow, and see how she is. Hopefully, things won't be too awkward.

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