Davina Claire #6

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 When your girlfriend Davina loses her powers, you feel bad for her. She has always been incredible with magic, and you know she's genuinely sad that her powers are gone. You wish there was something you could do for her, something to help.

 Soon enough, something comes to mind. You're a witch, too. There has to be some way for you to transfer your powers to Davina, you think. Maybe it isn't even that difficult.

 When you tell Davina, she says, "Absolutely not. Y/N, I love you, and I know you love me, but I can't take your magic from you."

 "I can learn to live without it."

 "Well, so can I. Please don't, Y/N."

 You sigh. "Fine. But you know I'll keep asking. Eventually, you're going to need them."

 "No, I won't. I'll be perfectly fine without them." 


 For the next few weeks, you continue to make the offer to Davina, at least once every time you see her, which is a lot. She continues to say no, but you can tell you're starting to wear her down.

 It gets to the point where one day she says, "All right, fine. I'll do it."

 "You'll actually do it?" you ask.

 "Yes, I will. It turns out I can't get used to being without magic. If you're willing to live without yours-"

 "I am," you say. "I'm glad you changed your mind, Davina. You didn't deserve to lose your powers, and I'm happy to give you mine."


 About a week after you have transferred your magic to Davina, you meet up with her to talk. It's time you told her what had happened.

 "Is something wrong?" Davina asks. "You seem a little different today."

 "Yeah. I, um, I feel a little different." You take a breath. "Davina, when I transferred my magic to you last week, something happened to me."

 "Something happened?" She begins to look panicked. "What was it? It wasn't anything bad, was it?"

 "No, no. Um, I don't think so. Look, when I transferred my magic to you, it made me a siphon."

 "A siphon?"

 You nod. "Yeah. Turns out I can still do magic, but I have to siphon magic from others to do it."

 "Oh." She looks like she's thinking about something. "Well, if you ever need magic for something, you can siphon me."


 She nods. "Really. Y/N, you willingly gave up all of your magic for me, so I'll let you take a little whenever you might need it."

 You nod back. "Okay. Thank you, Davina."

 She smiles. "You don't have to thank me. Just be careful."

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