Drunken Serenades

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 "Unbelievable!" Hayley stormed into the dining room where Rebekah and Elijah were enjoying a quiet, Klaus-free breakfast. "Don't you guys ever get tired of Klaus bossing everyone around?"

 "Of course we're tired of him," Rebekah answered. "Do you have any idea what's happened all the times we've tried to get rid of him? There was the time I lured Father here and he chased us all out of town, plus all the times Nik's daggered me. Elijah knows what I mean."
 Elijah nodded. "I tried to kill him once. It didn't work. Now I just live with him."

 "But isn't there something else you can do?" Hayley asked. "What about blackmail?"

 "Wouldn't Nik just destroy whatever leverage we have?" Rebekah asked.
 "That, or he'd kill us for it," said Elijah. "But I suppose we could at least try. What do you have in mind?"


 "Is this really necessary?" Klaus asked as Rebekah and Elijah pulled him into Rousseau's.
 "Yes, it is," said Rebekah. "We need to spend time together again, the three of us. Real bonding time."
 "In which we don't try to kill each other," Elijah added.

 "Hi, guys," Cami said when she saw them. "I didn't expect to see you here. You didn't seem like the type for karaoke night."
 "Oh God, I hate karaoke," Klaus groaned. "Camille, be a dear and give a glass of whatever's the strongest so I can endure this."
 "Oh, come on, Nik, karaoke's not that bad," said Rebekah.
 "At least we'll be doing something together without trying to kill each other," Elijah pointed out. "Let's just get a table and listen." 

 The music wasn't bad, but Klaus was clearly annoyed.
 "You can't stay in your room all day, Niklaus," Elijah said. "It doesn't matter what kind of evil plots you have going on; you need a break."
 "And this is what you call a break? I'm going to need quite a few more drinks to handle this horror."
 And he did have a quite a few. Which was what the others were counting on.

 Once they figured he was probably drunk, Rebekah said, "Elijah, these people aren't bad, are they?"

 Elijah shrugged. "I suppose not. But I wish there was someone better who could get up there and sing. What do you think, Niklaus?"

 "I think I could be much better than all of these fools. You know me, both of you. I'm talented." Klaus got up from their table, stumbling slightly. He went up to the microphone as Cami asked, "Anyone else?"

 "I will conquer the stage!" Klaus took the microphone and began singing 'My Heart Will Go On' quite off-key.
 Cami looked shocked that Klaus got up on the stage at all. After the conversation they'd had at the bar, she thought the only way he'd get up there would be to protest against all karaoke.

 She went to their table and asked Rebekah and Elijah, "Guys, what's wrong with Klaus? Is he drunk? I told him not to drink too much, but he said he was fine." 
 "Yeah, everything's fine," Rebekah said. "Just give him a minute. He'll get over it."
 "You don't get over being drunk that quickly. And why are you guys recording this on your phones?"

 "It's part of a plan," Elijah answered. "If you'd known Klaus as long as us, you'd know what a tyrant he can be." Elijah put his phone away and went over to Klaus, who was now singing 'Memory'.

 "It's time to go home, Niklaus," Elijah said.

 "Is it?" he asked, blinking. "But I'm not done yet. I have other songs to sing too." 
 "I think you've had enough karaoke for one night. Come on."
 "Don't be silly, Elijah," Klaus said as Elijah gently led him off the stage. "I'm bursting with energy. I'm full of life!"

 "And you can be full of life at home. Bye, Cami." 

 "We promise we'll explain tomorrow," Rebekah said to her. 

 By now, Cami already had an idea of what they were up to.


 Klaus woke up back at the compound on the sofa. "Elijah? What happened?"

 "Here." Freya tossed him a blood bag. "Sounds like you had an interesting night, from what Rebekah told me."

 "Did I? I feel horrible. I remember going to Rousseau's and talking to Cami, and it was karaoke night. Oh, I hate karaoke."
 "Is that all you remember?" Freya asked.

 "No, I-" The memories came back to Klaus. "Oh, no. I was up on that stage. And I sang horribly!" He groaned "Thank God that's over."

 "Not entirely." Rebekah, Elijah, and Hayley all filed into the room.

 "This was all part of a plan, you know," Hayley said.
 "Plan? What plan?"

 "Hayley knew there was going to be a karaoke night at Rousseau's," Rebekah explained. "Elijah and I deliberately brought you there and made sure you got drunk. And then we recorded this."

 Rebekah took out her phone and showed Klaus a video. It was of him, at Rousseau's, singing the worst version of 'My Heart Will Go On' he had ever heard.
 "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded. "You purposefully got me drunk and recorded me singing bad karaoke why?"
 "This is leverage," Elijah answered. "We're all tired of you bossing everyone around, so you can either give us some space or this goes on the Internet."
 "And then the whole world can hear the great Klaus Mikaelson do bad covers of Celine Dion and Broadway," Hayley added.
 Not knowing what else to do, Klaus grabbed Rebekah's phone and threw it at the wall.

 "You can't do that," Rebekah said. "Freya put a spell on my phone so that you can't break it. And besides, we have backup files."
 Klaus could see he was outnumbered. "Fine. I'll stop whatever bossing around I've been doing. Just don't show that to anyone, please, especially me."

 "We won't show anyone if you just give us a little more freedom," Elijah said. "Now, I think I should go explain our behavior to Camille. She was genuinely concerned about you."
 "Yes, you do that." Klaus got up from the sofa. "I think I'll just go to bed."

 As Klaus went up to his room, he thought about what had just happened. Manipulation, blackmail. His siblings had done it all without him realizing it.
 And he couldn't help feeling just a little bit proud of them.

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