The 'Twilight' Reaction

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 Days where nothing at all happened were the worst for Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson. Elijah flicked through the TV channels, hoping there would be something, anything that would interest his brother. 

 "There's a movie called 'Twilight' going on," he said. "'s about vampires." 

 "Is it?" Klaus stopped pacing like a lunatic. "What about vampires?" 
 "Um, a girl moves to Washington and meets a boy, and she finds out he's a vampire." 

 Klaus gave an exasperated sigh. "Elijah, do you know how many times that has been done? Pretty defenseless human girl meets bloodsucking monster. Surely you have noticed." 

 "Yes, I have. But perhaps this one is better. I think I've actually heard of this one. Let's just watch it and see." 
 Klaus sat next to him on the sofa. "Fine. This better be good." 


Two and a half hours later

 The Mikaelson sat staring at the credits. 
 "Um," Elijah had no idea what to say about that. "It's not very realistic, is it?" 
 "Clearly not, brother, because those were not real vampires!" Klaus got up and began pacing again. "Sparkle in the sun? And the only way to kill them is set them on fire? It's ridiculous, Elijah! What fool made this movie?" 

 "It was based on a book called 'Twilight'," said Elijah. "I've actually heard of it. Where are you going, Niklaus?" 

 "To find every copy of that book I can and destroy it!" Klaus shouted. 
 Elijah sighed. Should he tell his brother there was more then one book? 
 Nah. He could figure it out for himself. 

 I am so sorry, 'Twilight' fans  (I like the Twilight Saga too), but the Mikaelson brothers had to find out about it eventually.

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