The New Baby (AU)

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 In which the Mikaelsons are a normal (I think) family living in 21st-century Mystic Falls. Esther Mikaelson is at the hospital after giving birth to Henrik, her seventh child. This leaves her husband Mikael having to watch the other six while she's away. And these kids are kinda scary.
I'll put their ages in this story here:
Freya: 12
Finn: 11
Elijah: 9
Klaus: 6 1/2
Kol: 5
Rebekah: 3


 It was a cold February morning. Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah were finishing up breakfast.

 "Freya, where's Mommy?" Rebekah asked her sister.
 "I told you, Mommy's at the hospital because she had the new baby."
 "Where's Daddy?"

 "Who cares?" said Klaus. "He's a crazy old man, anyway."
 "That's not a nice thing to say, Niklaus," Freya said to him. To Rebekah, "Daddy went with Mommy to the hospital. She had a baby boy. We have a new little brother."
 "Why do we have to have a baby?" Kol asked.
 "That's what I would like to know," said Finn. "I already have three annoying little brothers, and I don't need anymore."
 "I'm not annoying!" Elijah protested. "Dad just told me the other day that I'm very well-behaved."

 Finn just rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

 The front door opened, and their father quickly stepped into the front hallway.

 "What a terrible morning," Mikael said as he shrugged off his coat. "Good morning, everyone."
 "Hi, Dad," said Freya, "How's-"
 "Where's Mommy and the baby?" Rebekah asked.
 "Still at the hospital, I'm afraid," Mikael answered. "I won't be able to bring them home until tomorrow."

 "Why did you and Mom have another baby?" Klaus asked. "Babies are stupid."
 "Now you know my point of view," said Finn.

 "Where do babies come from?" Kol asked.
 "We'll talk more on that when you're the proper age," said Mikael. "Now, you should probably all be off to school."
 "There is no school today, Dad," said Freya. "It's Saturday."
 "Is it?" Mikael stopped and thought for a moment. "Oh, yes, it is. Well, you'll to stay indoors today. It's much too cold outside."

 "Staying inside is boring!" Klaus protested. "Why can't we go outside?"

 "You mother wouldn't want me to let you out when it's this cold. It'll be snowing any minute now."

 "Let's wait for snow!" Kol cried.
 Klaus, Kol and Rebekah all ran to the living room window to wait for the expected snowfall.
 "Are you okay, Dad?" Freya asked. "You look really tired."
 "Oh, I'm fine." Mikael stifled a yawn. "It was just a long night."
 "Did you and Mom decide on a name for the baby?"
 "Oh, yes. I'd nearly forgotten. Children, your new little brother is Henrik Mikaelson."

 "What kind of name is Henrik?" Klaus asked. "It's stupid."
 "Henrik is not a stupid name, Niklaus," said Mikael. "When your brother does come home, I expect you to treat him kindly, and not call him stupid."

 "He doesn't respond to Niklaus," said Elijah, "only Klaus."
 "Well, what's wrong with Niklaus?"

 "That's a stupid name too!" Klaus cried. "That's why I'm Klaus!"
 "Why is there no snow, Daddy?" Kol asked.
 "It just hasn't come yet. Be patient, son."
 "Can we play in it comes?" Kol asked.
 "Can we?" Rebekah chimed in.
 "It has to come first," said Freya. "You should find something else to do in the meantime."
Three hours later

 Finn walked into the living room to see Klaus, Kol and Rebekah all hanging around the window. Elijah was sitting in a chair nearby, reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

 "Don't tell me you've all been sitting here all morning," Finn said to them.

 "Daddy lied to us!" Kol cried. "There is no snow!"

 "Because he's a crazy old man," said Klaus, as if that were the answer to everything. 
 Elijah looked up from his book. "I don't think he's a crazy old man, Klaus. Maybe the snow just hasn't come yet."

 "I want to play in the snow!" Rebekah shouted.

 Freya came into the room. "What's going on in here?"
 "They think Dad lied because there hasn't been any snow yet," Finn said.

 "There's supposed to be snow in winter," said Klaus, "but it just won't come." 
 "Maybe you should find something else to do," said Freya, "like a game or books. Do you have any homework to do?"
 "I did mine," said Elijah.
 "I hate school!" Kol cried. "Kindergarten is stupid!"

 "I hate school, too!" Klaus chimed in. "Why do we have to go?"
 "Why don't ask Mom and Dad," said Finn, "since they're the ones that make us go?"
 "I'm not asking Dad," Klaus said. "I'll just wait for Mom to get home."
 "Fine," said Kol. "I'll ask Daddy why we have to go to school. And why he lied about snow."

 Freya went with Kol to the dining room. Mikael was sitting in a chair with his head on the table, fast asleep.

 "Daddy's sleeping," Freya whispered. "Maybe we should-"

 "WAKE UP, DADDY!" Kol shouted.

 Mikael immediately woke up. "I wasn't asleep! Oh, it's just you children." 
 "I have questions," said Kol.
 "Yes, yes of course." Mikael rubbed his eyes. "Which one are you again?"
 "I'm Kol!"

 "Yes, of course you are. What was it, now?"

 "Why do we have to go to school?" Kol asked. 

 "Because you have to learn."

 "Because you can't go your life being an idiot, can you?"
 "You mean like you?" Klaus called from the hallway. 

 "That boy," Mikael growled. He got up and walked out into the hallway. "I am your father, Niklaus Mikaelson! Therefore, you should show me some respect."

 "There is no Niklaus!" Klaus ran down the stairs wearing his Darth Vader costume, a black fabric mask over his face, and a pirate hat, and was carrying a plastic sword. "There is only Klaus Mikaelson, the most feared villain ever! The good guys will lose, and I'll rule the world!"
 Mikael took a moment to take in his son's appearance. Then he warily took two steps back. "So I see."

 "I still hate school," Kol grumbled.

 "Well, you're going whether you like it or not." 
 Rebekah stomped into the hallway. "Daddy, there's no snow!"
 "Well, it's only been a few minutes," Mikael said. "Give it more time."

 "Dad, you've been asleep for the last three hours," said Freya. 

 "Was I?" Mikael looked at his watch. "I was."
 "Freya knew that because she's actually smart," said Klaus.
 "I will have you know, Niklaus," said Mikael, "that I went to the same school you go to when I was a boy."
 "You used to be five?" Kol asked.
 "Yes, I was. It can't be too difficult to believe. I've lived in Mystic Falls my whole life. Years ago, our ancestor from Norway, Magnus Mikaelson, came here and built this," he waved his hand in a gesture towards the building, "the Mikaelson Falls Inn."

 "That's a stupid name," said Klaus. 
 "Yes, I know it could have been better. Anyway, the ownership has been passed from generation to generation. My father passed it down to me, and one day I'll pass it down to you children."

 "That's boring," said Klaus. "There's no guests."
 "We don't have any right now," said Freya, "but we should soon."
 "I want snow!" Rebekah cried.
 "Oh, you'll get snow when it comes," Mikael snapped.

 Klaus, Kol and Rebekah all went back to the window.

 "I told you asking him was a stupid idea," said Klaus.

 Mikael turned to Freya and said, "That boy will either become the ruler of the world or get thrown in a maximum-security prison. And I think I know which one it will be."

 "I think he'll grow out of it," she said. "But you better hope it snows, or I think Kol and Rebekah are going to lock you in the basement."
 Two hours later

 "I'm bored," Kol said.

 "Why don't you read a book?" Elijah suggested.
 "That is boring, 'Lijah," Klaus said, as if it were completely obvious.

 "No snow," Rebekah moaned.
 "Maybe Dad meant tomorrow," said Elijah.
 "'Lijah, Dad's stupid," said Klaus.
 Freya heard that and said, "That's not nice, Niklaus." 

 "You have to admit his intelligence is questionable," Finn pointed out.
 "I'm gonna find Daddy," Kol said. "I have complaints."

 "Me too," said Klaus.
 "Me too," Rebekah chimed in.
 All six children went to the dining room, where Mikael had fallen asleep again.

 "Should we wake him up?" Finn asked. "He was at the hospital all night."

 "No, we shouldn't," Freya decided.

 "WAKE UP, OLD MAN!" Klaus shouted at the top of his lungs.
 That definitely woke Mikael up. "Now what is it?"

 "You might want to run, Dad," said Elijah.
 "You lied to us again!" Kol shouted.

 "I wanna build a snowman!" Rebekah cried.

 "Snowmen are stupid," said Klaus.
 "Are not!"
 "Are too!"
 Finn walked out of the dining room. "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me."

 "That is it!" Mikael got up from his chair. "It's not my fault nature isn't working the way you want it too! There's obviously no snow, even though it's only been about ten minutes since the last time you asked-"

 "Actually, you slept for another two hours," said Elijah.
 "That's not the point!" Mikael cried. "You know what? If you all want to go out into the freezing cold and get all kinds of diseases that could be rampaging out there, go ahead! I'm tired of explaining things to you!"

 "Yay!" Rebekah and Kol both cried. They and Klaus all ran for the front door. 

 "Wait!" Freya cried, running after them. "You need your coats!" 
 That left Elijah.
 "Diseases aren't caused by the weather, Dad," he said. "They're come from germs." 
 "Yes, of course they do, son." Mikael patted him on the shoulder. "If you want to go out, you

can. I'll keep an eye on you all."

 When Freya came back from getting the little ones into their coats, she asked, "Are you sure you're okay, Dad?"
 "No, I don't think so. It's probably lack of sleep. And stress from having six, now seven children. I don't know how it happened. Esther and I never even talked about having children. You all just sort of...appeared."
 "Kids don't just appear, Dad. I know where they come from. And I think you and Mom are doing great as parents."
 "Oh, thank you, dear," Mikael said. "Just a moment. What did you say before that?"

 "Dad, I'm in middle school. It's about the time kids start learning."

 Mikael's eyes widened as he grasped what she was saying. "Oh. Is it."

 Thankfully, the night passed uneventfully, and everyone got together for a quiet breakfast the next morning.
 After breakfast, Mikael said to Freya, "I'm off to the hospital. Lock the door behind me, go to the neighbors if you need any help with anything, and please try not to get yourselves killed because you mother would never forgive me if anything happened to you on my watch."

 "I know, Dad." When he was gone, Freya asked the other kids, "Are you guys excited to meet baby Henrik?"
 "No," said Finn.
 "Babies are still stupid," said Klaus.
 "Freya," Elijah said, "If Finn and I have a room, Klaus and Kol have a room, and you and Rebekah have a room together, who will Henrik sleep with?"

 "First, he'll stay with Mom and Dad. Then, we'll have to see."
 "Well, Henrik won't have to be lonely," Elijah said. "He can stay with me and Finn."

 Finn nearly dropped his cereal bowl. "You cannot be serious."

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