A Dark and Stormy Night

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 "Can't we stop somewhere for the night?" Elijah Mikaelson asked his brother, who was driving far over the speed limit.
 "You cannot be serious," said Klaus, his eyes on the road. "You know Father is after me."

 "That was days ago, Klaus. You've been driving like mad ever since. I doubt he's followed us this far. Look, there's a motel. Let's stop there for tonight. It looks like we're getting the storm, anyway."

 Klaus let out an exasperated sigh. "Very well. I will indulge you just this once. But we are to leave at dawn, no later."

 "That's good enough," Elijah said as they pulled up to the motel. As they got out of the car, rain began to shoot down from the sky like bullets.
 Elijah pulled their suitcases out of the trunk as Klaus entered the building, marched up to the counter, and began to use compulsion on the poor man behind it.
 "You don't need to know who we are. Just give us two of those room keys for tonight, and we'll be gone in the morning." He smiled as he was handed two room keys. "And right next to each other as well. Come along, Elijah."
 "Can't you carry your own luggage?" Elijah asked as he followed his brother up the stairs.
 "Oh, do be quiet, will you? I'm looking for our rooms. Ah, here we are. Just drop mine there, will you? There's your room, brother. Remember, we leave at dawn."
 Elijah carried his suitcase into his room, feeling ready to collapse. After days of being on the road with Klaus, he needed some sleep in a real bed.

 The storm outside had gotten much worse. As Elijah was pulling his shoes off, the light suddenly went out.

 Now, what could that be? he wondered. He tried flicking the light switch, but nothing happened.
 "Niklaus?" Elijah opened the door and went into the hallway; it was just as dark out there.

 "I know." Klaus came out into the hallway. "It would seem the power has gone out, due to this accursed weather."
 "Then I suppose we'll just have to deal with the darkness until morning. Try to sleep, Niklaus."
 Elijah got into bed and tried to get some sleep himself. He tossed and turned for awhile, listening to the thunder and the downpour as it all raged on outside. It was all quite eerie, he thought, like something in a horror movie. Though he doubted any horror movie events would be happening.

 He eventually fell, into a dreamless, slightly fitful sleep. 


 He many have been unconscious, but at some point during the night, Elijah felt that something was wrong. He opened his eyes to see his brother standing over his bed.

 "Niklaus." He quickly sat up. "Is something wrong?"
 "No. Yes. I had a bad dream. I couldn't sleep."

 "A bad dream? About what?"

 "What do you think, Elijah?" There was fear, real fear, in Klaus's voice. "For centuries, he has hunted me. We have spent so much time running, it has made up most of my life." He voice got lower. "I dreamt that he found me, and finally ended me. When I awoke and came to find you, I thought I saw him in the hallway, in the shadows, waiting to pounce."
 "Oh, Niklaus." The room was pitch-black, but Elijah knew Klaus's face must have made him look fearful and vulnerable. He had probably only come in there because he knew Elijah couldn't see him as well. "That's why you have been driving so much, isn't it? You did not want to stop and sleep because you were afraid of your dreams."

 "Exactly. It really took you six days to figure that out." He paused. "Can I-do you mind if I...stay in here until dawn?"

 "Stay if it makes you feel better." Elijah laid back down in bed. "I'm going to try to sleep some more before morning."
 He turned away from Klaus and closed his eyes. Klaus sat down on the edge of the bed, and Elijah could feel him watching him. He tried to sleep, but it didn't work.

 Then the sound of crashing came from somewhere within the building.

 "It's him," Klaus said. "Get up. We're leaving."

 "We don't know-"
 "Get dressed and get the luggage. We're leaving now."
 Elijah knew arguing with his brother wouldn't do much good. As he got dressed, Klaus exited through the window. Elijah threw their suitcases down before jumping down himself. When they were both in the car, Klaus turned the key and began driving much faster than he had been driving before.
 "Niklaus, please slow down," Elijah pleaded. "You're going to drive off-" 

 "Do not tell me to slow down," he growled. "You know we have put as much distance between ourselves and Mikael as possible."
 "Niklaus, the turn! We'll-"
 Klaus stomped on the brake, but it was too late.


 Elijah opened his eyes. It was morning. There wasn't anymore thunder and lightning, but it was still raining lightly. 
 Klaus was asleep in the driver seat. After going off the road, they had yelled at each other for awhile, then apologized and decided to wait until morning to do anything else.
 Elijah got out of the car to survey the damage. There was no major damage done; they would be able to get back on the road easily.
 Klaus opened his eyes. "Is it morning already?"

 "It is. Help me get the car back on the road?"
 He groaned. "Can't you push it yourself? We're vampires. You should have the strength for it."
 "Then why don't you let me drive for today, and you rest? But first, help me get it back up to the road."

 Klaus sighed dramatically and climbed out of the passenger seat. "You drive a hard bargain, brother." 
 They were soon back on the road, Elijah driving and Klaus sitting quietly in the passenger seat. It was still nearly as dark as it had been during the storm.

 A dark and dreary day to follow a dark and stormy night.

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