The Resurrection

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 This one is something of a sequel to an earlier story in this book, 'The Castle'. You don't have to read that before this, but they do go together.

  "You have done your work," he heard. "Now leave us. I must speak with him alone." 
 Mikael opened his eyes. The room was spinning. ""

 "No, no. Don't get up yet. Be careful, my friend. You could hurt yourself."
 "Get off me." Mikael pushed the pair of hands away. "I don't need help."

 "Yes, you may. I have just had you resurrected from the dead for a second time. I know of no others who can say so." 
 Mikael looked up at the voice. "It's you. Count Dracula." 
 The Count smiled. "We meet again, Mikael."

 "But-I read-that book! The one where you-"

 "Oh, that book. You cannot believe everything you read, dear friend. Come, stand up. You do not look well."
 "How am I here, though?" Mikael asked. "Klaus killed me. I remember it."

 "Indeed, he did. But I heard of your death and came to find you. Your Klaus had no idea I found your ashes. It took time, but here you are. Come with me. Let us get out of this horrid place."
 "Are we in a mausoleum?"

 "Yes, this cemetery seemed to the best place to find witches to assist me. It is night now. Let me take you into the city." 

 "I still hate this place," Mikael said as the walked down the brightly lit streets of New Orleans.
 "Then we do not have to stay long. We can go to my hotel. It is not far." 

 Once there, Mikael took a long shower and changed into the fresh clothes the Count had given him.

 "How long was I dead for?" he asked.

 "Over a year. From what I have learned, things have changed drastically since then."
 "What do you mean?"
 "Here." The Count handed him a few blood bags. "Drink those. It is vampire blood."
 Mikael quickly drank them all down, and then asked, "What's happened since my death? How are my children?"

 "That is the problem, Mikael. The prophecy that told of their fate finally came true."

 "What prophecy? Are they all dead? There was still Freya and Rebekah and Elijah-"

 "They are not dead. Elijah and Rebekah's sire lines are still alive."
 "And Niklaus?"

 "His sire line was severed by witch magic." 

 Mikael got up and headed for the door. "I have to go there. Don't try to stop me."


 The Count followed Mikael to the compound. Once there, they took in the sight. The entire place had been attacked, destroyed.
 "When did this happen?" Mikael asked.

 "Just last week, it seems."
 Mikael slowly walked around the courtyard. "It's deserted. There's no one here." He looked up at Dracula. "Who did this?"

 "Your children were betrayed by their friend, Marcellus Gerard."
 "Marcel? But-wait. I sense someone here." Mikael ran through the compound until he came to a brick wall that looked new. "This was just recently done."

 "I know," the Count said. "That is where Marcel sealed Klaus in. He is the anchor."

 "The what?"

 "I easily figured out you children's plans. Your witch daughter cast a spell that linked all your children's lives together. Klaus is the anchor. Until cures are found for them, it must be this way."

 "But where are the rest of them? There's no one else here!"

 "Somewhere safe, let us hope. Mikael-"

 "Where is he?" Mikael went back out to the courtyard. "Where is Marcel Gerard? I will end him!" He sat down at the bottom of the stairs, his mood suddenly changing. "I wanted Klaus to die. But, the rest of them...I don't know. It was never the others. And now...Klaus is the one keeping them alive." He got up and climbed the stairs.
 "Where are you going now?" Dracula asked, following him.
 "To look for something I can use for a tracking spell."

 Mikael searched through the rooms until he came to a room where he noticed a book lying on the floor.

 "This is Esther's grimoire," he said, flipping through it. "I remember this. Those clothes in the closet are definitely a woman's. I think this is Freya's room."

 From the top shelf, he pulled down a blue wool scarf. "This must be hers." He sighed and held it against his chest. "My poor Freya." 
 He came back out into the hallway and said to the Count, "Let's get out of New Orleans. Then we'll find my daughter. I can't let Freya die. We have to save them. And then I will destroy Marcel Gerard."

 The Count nodded. "I feel that arguing with you would be pointless. Let us go. We will do what must be done." 


 And there go the Destroyer and the infamous Count to take a piece out of Marcel. Seriously, though, I've always liked Marcel. I'm actually hoping he can be redeemed somehow after that disaster of a finale.

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