Desire Within (Klucien)

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 Klaus Mikaelson stood on the balcony, looking down on the streets of New Orleans, the very same ones that he feared could be taken away from him.

 "Hello up there!"

 Klaus looked directly below him to see Lucien Castle standing outside the compound.

 "What is it, Lucien?" he asked.

 "I was hoping to come in. I wanted to see you."


 "Well, we're friends, aren't we? Friends can visit each other when they want."

 Klaus nodded. "All right. Come on up."

 Lucien disappeared through the doors, and Klaus soon heard his footsteps on the stairs.

 "Good morning," Lucien said cheerfully. "Oh. You don't look like you're having a very good morning."

 "I'm not."

 "Well, what's happened this time?"

 "The same thing that's always happening," Klaus answered. "Everyone attempting to kill me and take away what's mine."

 "Oh. Is that so?"

 Klaus looked over at him. "Do you know anything about the problems that have been going on?"

 "Who, me? Well, I've met people who have wanted to kill you. I bet that scoundrel Tristan probably has something to do with all of it. He's very full of himself, you know. But why are you so worried? You're Klaus Mikaelson. No one has been able to beat you yet. What makes you think someone can beat you now?"

 "You seem to think so," Klaus said. "You're the one who clued me in on the prophecy."

 "But I believe you can overcome it," Lucien said. "And why not? Your family has overcome pretty much everything else, haven't you?"

 Klaus nodded. "I suppose you have a point there. Now, what exactly did you come by for?"


 "You must have come by for something," Klaus said. "What was it?"

 "Oh. Um." Lucien didn't seem to know what to say. "Would you know it? I can't remember now. But it must have not have been anything very important if I forgot now. I think it was something about Tristan. You know, keep an eye on him. He is very full of himself."

 "Of course." Klaus nodded again. "So, is that it, then?"

 "Um. Yes. Yes, I suppose it is. I...think I'll go." Lucien took a step back. "You do seem a little preoccupied, so I'll...come back another time."

 Klaus watched from the balcony as Lucien walked down the street, away from the compound. What had all of that been about? Surely he hadn't shown up just to warn him about Tristan de Martel.


 Lucien walked home as fast as he could without using his vampire speed. When he was safe in his own apartment, he took out his phone and dialed a number. He sat down and the sofa it rang.

 "Well, hello to you too, Tristan. (pause) Well, how am I supposed when's a good time to call you and when's a bad time? (pause) Yes, this is important. I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't, would I? Look, do you remember the plans we talked about? (pause) Of course I mean the plans about getting rid of the Mikaelsons. I've been thinking, and...I'm not sure I can go through with it. (pause) No, I have not gone mad. Yes, I'm still angry about what happened to us. If you're that angry, go kill Elijah, since he's the one who compelled us. (pause) Then find a way to kill him without dying yourself. It's really my problem. (pause) Look, something came up, all right? I just...need a few days to myself. (pause) Goodbye, Tristan."

 Lucien hung up and set the phone down next to him. Why did having to listen to Tristan talk be so difficult?

 He couldn't that same image of Klaus out of his mind. He was concerned about his future, his city's future, but he still stood there proud and tall, watching over the streets of New Orleans. He was the something that had come up, because seeing him again had stirred up some old feelings, old feelings Lucien now had to deal with.

 Perhaps there was a way he could manage to woo the hybrid from up in his hybrid from up in his tower, though he doubted it could be done in a few days. Klaus was much more stubborn than that. He would stretch those few days to a few weeks, maybe even a few months.

 Well, Tristan couldn't be that hard to fool, could he?

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