Elijah Mikaelson #5

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 Elijah Mikaelson holds your baby daughter in his arms, after gently rocking her to sleep. He is still sitting there, rocking her, not wanting to let go of her.

 "You are such a beautiful little thing," he says softly. "You look so much like your mother."

 He grows sad thinking of you. He continues to look down at the child. He thinks about how every year on the little girl's birthday, he will have to be reminded of the day you died. And he thinks that you wouldn't want him to be sad. You would want him to be happy on the day your daughter was born.

 "Your mother was a bright, beautiful woman," he says. "From the day we met to the day she died, I admired her. From the moment I first saw her, I knew there was something different about her. She and I admired the same qualities in people, and we had the same values, the same beliefs. It always felt as though we were meant for each other. I loved her more than I'll ever be able to tell you about."

 He sighs. "It grieves that she died the day you were born, that you'll never get to meet her. The two of you would have adored each other. I see your mother in you when I look at you, you know. I know I'll keep seeing at as you get older, and I probably always will. For some husbands, it would be grievous and heartbreaking. But I don't believe it will be so for me. I want to be able to see her in you. You already have most of her looks, her eyes, her smile. I think it's always going to make me smile."

 Elijah walks over to the crib, and gently lays your daughter down. He stands there staring down at her, a hint of a smile on his face.

 "I love you," he says. "You haven't been in this world very long, but I love you, just as much as I loved your mother. And you're going to hear all about her, I promise. I'll tell you about her every day, if you want. I want you to know how much you already remind me of her." He sighs again. "I'm going to take care of you. No one will ever get to you, and no one will ever hurt you. I promise. I will protect you." He looks up towards the ceiling, and towards the sky. "I know that, no matter what happens, Y/N would want me to."

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