Mikael #3 (sequel to #2)

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 In the next few months, you and Mikael begin to fall into a bit of a routine. You help him with painting and redecorating the apartment, and find you make a good team. He does seem to spend a lot of time outdoors. You've gone with him a few times, and he even taught you some fighting skills. Freya has been by a few times, but whenever you tell Mikael you're going to the compound to visit, he immediately gives some kind of excuse as to why he can't go with you. You know there's bad blood between him and his other children, so you've never pushed it and just pretend to believe whatever lame excuse he gives.


 On one of the evenings you are visiting the compound, Klaus approaches you and asks, "So it's true you've been living with my father?"

 You nod. "Yeah, we're roommates now. A few months-"

 "I don't care when it happened, Y/N, I think it's a terrible idea!" He takes a deep breath and continues. "Y/N, you are a friend of our family now, and it is only out of concern for your well-being when I tell you that it could be dangerous living with Mikael. I have known him much longer than you have, and I know how dangerous and insane he is."

 You are about to say something in your roommate's defense when you hear a voice calling your name, and it sounds like Mikael himself.

 "Oh, Y/N," Mikael says as he bursts into his room. He stops when he sees with you Klaus.

 "I thought you were busy," you say, surprised to see him.

 "Yes, I was. But you hadn't come home from your visit yet, and I was concerned about you." He stares warily at Klaus he speaks. 

 "Um, we should probably get home," you say. "See you, Klaus."

 You and Mikael walk through the streets in silence until he asks, "What did he say about me?"

 "That you're dangerous and insane. But I knew that already. Mikael, I think Klaus was just concerned about me. I am friends with him and the rest of your children."

 "I know. But Klaus is dangerous, Y/N. Why do you think he doesn't have any friends? They all get killed."

 "Well, to be fair, you don't really have friends, either," you point out. "And Klaus just gave me this same kind of speech about you. I don't know the whole story of your feud, but I get the feeling it's something stupid, anyway. You're both dangerous and insane, but I like being friends with you both. Even if it does get me killed, which seems to be a likely scenario."

 Mikael stops walking, and turns to stand in front of you so that you're eye to eye.

 "Do not joke about that," he says in a stern voice. "You are the only friend I have, Y/N. No one wants to be friends with me. People are afraid of me because of my reputation. I went to the compound tonight because I panicked when you didn't come home around your usual time. I thought the compound was attacked, or that something else bad-"

 "Hey, hey, calm down," you say. "Look, I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm going to do my best not to get myself killed. And just so you know, you're not completely unlikeable, because I like you, Mikael. Now, can we go home?"

 He nods. "Yes, let's."

 You continue on your way again. This is the first time you've seen that sort of emotion in Mikael's eyes, you realize. He really does care about you. You didn't know he even pays attention to what time you usually get home.

 On the way, you slip your hand into his, and neither of you pull away.

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