The Sirens

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 Sybil had not planned on almost kidnapping anyone that day, but of course, plans tend to change.

 She had gone for a stroll out in the woods with her sister Seline. She really did love her sister, but sometimes she couldn't stand her.

 "Are you sure you know where we are?" Seline asked.

 "Yes, for the thousandth time," Sybil moaned, "I know where we are. Just leave me in peace for once, would you?"

 "Wait." Seline grabbed her by the arm. "I hear someone."

 "Oh, sister, you worry too much."

 "No, really," Seline said.

 Listening closer, Sybil could her footsteps nearby. It didn't sound like someone taking a leisurely stroll, as she had been; this was someone trying to get away from something.

 "Stay here if you like," she said to her sister. "I want to see who it is."

 Sybil walked further along the path, and a man leaning against a tree. She quickly assessed him: tall, dark hair, well-dressed, somewhat handsome. He looked angry and sad, as if he had just been arguing with a friend or a loved one. She always felt the same thing after having another fight with Seline.

 She stepped closer. "Excuse me, sir. Do you need help?" 

 The man looked up at her, apparently surprised. "No. No, thank you. Do you?"

 "Oh, certainly not. But you might soon enough." She sat down under the tree and began to hum.

 "Well, come on," she said. "Sit down with me." 

 Staring at her, the man slowly sat down.

 "Good. Now, do you have a name?"


 "Elijah," Sybil repeated. "What are you?"

 "A vampire. One of the Originals."

 "The Originals? Oh, yes, I've heard about them. There was supposedly a handsome, noble one. I'm going to assume that was you. So, why did you come running into these woods today, Elijah?"

 "I had an argument with my brother," he answered. "I couldn't stay there with him any longer."

 "So, you were running away?"

 "No. I will have to return soon."

 "Well," Sybil took his hands in hers, "You don't have to go just yet. Why don't you just stay-"

 "Sybil!" Seline came marching out from behind the trees. "What do you think you're doing?"

 "I was talking with this nice man," Sybil answered in her sweetest tone.

 "By hypnotizing him? Let him go, Sybil. I want to leave."

 Sybil sighed dramatically. "If you insist." She turned back to Elijah. "I'm sorry. Here, lean back against the tree. Now, close your eyes, and when you wake up, you won't remember any of this. Sleep."

 He nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

 "I'm coming," Sybil said, glancing back at Elijah as she followed her sister out of the woods.



 Klaus shook his brother until he was effectively awake.

 "Niklaus." Elijah looked around. "Did I fall asleep?"

 "Clearly so." Klaus stood up straight and cleared his throat. "Elijah, I wanted to say....well, I suppose I want to apologize...I actually feel terrible about-Elijah? Elijah, are you listening to me?"

 Elijah was gazing around, not listening to a word his brother was saying.

 "Elijah." Klaus shook him by the shoulder. "What is it?"

 "I thought someone was here," he said, "That I was talking to someone."


 He shook his head. "I don't know."

 "Come on." Klaus held him by the arm. "I think you should come straight with me. Come on."

 Elijah followed, but he truly could have sworn he had been talking to someone.

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