'Freya has a Boyfriend' (AU)

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 It started as a perfectly ordinary day at the Mikaelson Falls Inn (modestly-sized hotel, if you prefer). It was the weekend and springtime, so most of the children had gone to play outside.

 "Mikael, have you noticed Freya acting different at all lately?" Esther asked her husband as they sat on the back porch.

 "I don't think so," he answered. "She seems fine to me. Could be some woman thing. She is older now."

 "If you mean her period, then maybe. But I had the strangest feeling-"

 Esther was cut off by a six-year Rebekah marching over and announcing, "Freya has a boyfriend."

 Mikael nearly chocked on his coffee. "What?"
 "Mommy, what's a boyfriend?" Three-year old Henrik asked. 

 "I thought something was different," Esther said. "I wonder who it is. Rebekah, how did you find out about this?"

 "I saw them kissing yesterday. Freya told me not to tell anyone, but I thought you should know, since you're Mommy and Daddy."

 "Well, thank you, Rebekah," Mikael said. "Do you happen to know who he is?"

 "I never saw him before, but I think he goes to school with Freya."

 "Rebekah, Henrik, you two should go play," Esther said. "Daddy and I need to talk about this."

 After the youngest Mikaelsons ran off, Esther said, "Well, it had to happen someday, Mikael. She's fifteen now. She's only a little younger than we were when we met."

 "I know. I suppose it must be something fairly recent, or else she would have told us already. When do you suppose she will?"

 "Soon, I would think." Esther glanced over to where Freya and Finn were sitting under the tree. "You know, if anyone would know, it would probably be Finn. But please don't interrogate him."

 "I think this situation is a reason for a little interrogation, Esther. No, don't look at me like that. You know of there's some man with his eye on our daughter, I want to know who it is."


 Thankfully, Esther talked Mikael out of interrogating anyone.

 At breakfast a few days later, Freya asked Esther, "Is it okay if I invite a friend over for dinner later?"

 "Of course. Is it anyone I've met?"

 "Um, no. He's kind of new. You'll meet him later."

 After Freya had left, Elijah asked Klaus, "Do you think Freya's been acting different lately?" 

 Klaus shrugged. "Girls are different from boys."

 "I know, but I get the feeling she's up to something."


 That evening, Esther and Mikael heard a knocking at the front door, and Freya call, "I'll get it!" 

 A few minutes later, Freya came into the kitchen with a boy and said, "Mom, Dad, this is Vincent Griffith. He's my boyfriend."

 Esther smiled. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Vincent. Mikael?"

 Mikael was staring at Vincent uncertainly. "Yes. Of course." 

 Dinner went surprisingly well. Vincent was patient will all of Rebekah and Kol's constant questioning, and understood that Mikael was very uncomfortable with the idea of Freya having a boyfriend.

 "Now I know to definitely stay on my best behavior," he said to Freya before he left. "You have a dad and five brothers who could easily beat me up."

 "I think my Dad would give you a good punch," Freya said, glancing over at her parents. "But it's okay. I think everyone liked you, just like I hoped they would."

 Later, as Esther and Mikael were clearing off the table, Esther said, "I don't think we have too much to worry about, Mikael. Vincent seems like a nice young man, and I know you think so, too."

 Mikael sighed. "All right, fine. Yes, he isn't terrible. But we've only just met him. He could be worse than he's letting on."

 "Mikael, I don't he's going to be anything bad or stupid now that he's met you and has seen that Freya has five brothers who are growing up to be strong young men." 

 "Well, I suppose you have a point there, but I will be watching him."


 "Freya?" Rebekah whispered. 

 Freya opened her eyes. "Yes, Bekah?"

 "Are you and Vincent in love?"

 "Maybe. Why?"

 "I was wondering. I like Vincent. I'm sorry I told Mommy and Daddy."

 "It's okay, I guess. I was going to tell them, anyway."

 "Are you and Vincent going to get married?"

 "I think it's a little too soon for that, Rebekah."

 "Oh. Okay. If you do get married, can I be the flower girl?"

 "Sure. Now go to bed."

 "Okay. 'Night, Freya."

 "Goodnight, Rebekah."

The old inn is back, people, and there was no whining about babies or snow this time.


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