Esther Mikaelson #4

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 Going to a ball hosted by the Mikaelsons wasn't something you would usually do, even though you've known them for centuries, but tonight is different. You think your friend Elena Gilbert is certainly in danger. With Klaus around, there's always a chance she'll end up dead somehow. You came to this stupid party to keep an eye on her, and make sure no one attacks her or anything. 

 You manage to keep your eye on Elena for some of the party, but you're detained by Klaus and Elijah with some idle chitchat. By the time you manage to get away from those two, Elena is gone, and no one seems to have seen her. You take to wandering around on the room until you hear, "Y/N?"

 You turn around, and wonder if you're seeing a ghost. It is Esther standing before you.

 "I didn't know you were going to be here," she says.

 "I certainly didn't think I would see you here," you say. "You're supposed to be dead. Didn't your husband kill you?"

 She shook her head. "I was killed, but it wasn't Mikael. And I managed to find my back. My goodness, it's been a long time, hasn't it?"

 You nod. "Yeah. 'Bout a thousand years. Um, how have you been? Since you came back from the dead?"

 "I'm adjusting. My children don't seem very happy I've returned, but they're also adjusting. How have you been?"

 "Me? Um, I'm good, I guess."

 You both stand there for a long moment, staring at each other, not sure what to do.

 "I, um, I should go find my friend," you say.

 "Is it anyone I know?" Esther asks.

 "Her name's Elena Gilbert. I'm just a little concerned about her."

 "Oh, I just saw Miss Gilbert not very long ago, and she seemed well."

 "Oh. Okay." You nod. "That-that's good. So, I guess I'll see you around, now that you're back."

 She nods. "Yes. I hope so."

 As you turn away from her, you bump into Elena.

 "Hey, Y/N," she says. "Um, are you okay? You like you've just seen a ghost."

 "Actually," you say, "I think I did."

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